
28 | NAUKARAZOTKRIVA MITOVE I ZABLUDE OD . DO . DECEMBRA NA BEOGRADSKOMSAJMU FROM5TH TO8TH DECEMBERATTHEBELGRADE FAIR SCIENCE UNRAVELSMYTHS ANDMISCONCEPTIONS Najveći događaj koji se bavi promocijom nauke i obrazovanja u regionu ponovo otvara svoje kapije! Od 5. do 8. decembra na Beogradskom sajmu više od 700 naučnika iz zemlje i inostranstva na više od 60 interaktivnih postavki okupiće se sa jednim ciljem – da pomoću nauke i naučnih dostignuća razotkriju brojne popularne mitove i sveprisutne zablude . – S obzirom na to da je broj 13 zaštitni znak sujeverja, odlučili smo da na 13. Festivalu nauke našim saradnicima damo zadatak da razotkriju sva ona sitna sujeverja baš kao i posve ozbiljne zablude i mitove koji su postali deo naše svakodnevice – navodi Nenad Zarić, glavni programski koordinator festivala. Za naučno Razotkrivanje ovog decembra rezervisano je više od 6.500 kvadrata Beogradskog sajma. Tokom četiri dana posetioci svih uzrasta moći da učestvuju u razotkrivanju misterije sletanja na Mesec, saznaće koja sve zračenja postoje, da li su sva opasna i gde se sve mogu otkriti. Preispitaće se misterije evolucije, istražiti tajne večitih mašina koje nam daju energiju, a ništa ne traže zauzvrat i staviti na proveru brojne deklaracije proizvoda koje jedemo i pijemo svakodnevno, ne znajući šta tačno unosimo u svoj organizam. Festival će posetiocima predstaviti bogat međunarodni program na Naučnofantastičnoj bini i ugostiti naučnike iz celog sveta! The region’s biggest event dealing with the promotion of science and education is reopening its gates! From 5th to 8th December, at the Belgrade Fair, more than 700 scientists from the country and abroad will gather at more than 60 interactive exhibits for a single purpose – to use science and scienti c achievements to help unravel numerous popular myths and ubiquitous misconceptions. “Considering that the number 13 is a veritable trademark of superstition, we decided for the 13th edition of the Science Festival to task our associates with unravelling all those minor superstitions, but also the very serious misconceptions and myths that have become part of our everyday lives,” says Nenad Zarić, chief programme coordinator of the festival. For the purposes of scienti c Disclosure this December, more than 6,500 square metres of the Belgrade Fair have been reserved. Over the course of four days, visitors of all ages will be able to participate in the unravelling of the mystery of the moon landings, to nd out what types of radiation exist, whether they are all dangerous, and where they can all be discovered. The mysteries of evolution will be re-examined, the secrets of eternal machines that give us energy and seek nothing in return will be investigated, while numerous declarations of the products that we eat and drink on a daily basis, not knowing exactly what we are putting into our bodies, will be put to the test. The festival will present visitors with a rich international programme on the Science Fiction Stage and welcome scientists from around the world! Fotografije / Photography: Oksana Toškić