
26 | Nakon što je devet godina proveo u inostranstvu, IvanBrkljačsevratiouSrbiju, gdejeprvootpočeokarijerukaospecijalista za onlajnmarketing, a zatim je bio jedanodosnivača inicijative MokrinHouse.Odnedavnosebavi temomcirkularnihmigracija i odnosima naših talenata u zemlji i dijaspori. U Beogradu će krajem decembra biti održana konferencija Talenti na okupu 2.0, koju je iniciralaAnaBrnabić, predsednica Vlade RS, i koja će okupiti naše ljude koji uspešno rade i studiraju u inostranstvu. PitamoIvanakoja je ideja iglavnaporukakonferencije , koju i ove godine organizuje timnacionalne platforme Srbija stvara. – Ideja je da se na jednommestu okupe talenti našeg društva. Na prethodnomokupljanju ustanovljeno je da postoji potreba za jačanjemodnosa izmeđumaticeidijasporeinatomeseaktivnoradiloovegodine. Cilj ovekonferencije jeda senastavi započetimputempribližavanjadijasporeisrpskog društvasaultimativnimciljemda jednogdanapostoji neometani cirkularni tok ljudi, znanja i kapitala između Srbije i njene dijaspore. Nakojinačinnašazemljamože da formira ambijent u kojemćesemladikojioduizSrbije u nju i vratiti? – Bitno je da dođemo do tačke u kojoj ni odlazaknipovrataknisutabu, većsastavnideoprocesa koji se dešavajuuvibrantnoj globalnoj ekonomiji.Onoštosvakakomoramodaomogućimo jesteda te tranzicijebudu što jednostavnije, te se u poslednjih godinu dana radilo na tome da se strane diplome lakše nostrifikuju, NBS je objavila finansijski priručnik za povratnike, a radi se i naadaptaciji carinskihpropisakada je rečounošenju imovine stečene u inostranstvu. To su samo neki koraci koji jesu i biće učinjeni kako bi integracija u domaće društvo bila jednostavnija. Ko su učesnici konferencije i kome je sve upućen poziv? –Sajednestranečlanovi raznihorganizacijaizdijaspore, istaknuti pojedinci u poljima nauke, biznisa i umetnosti, kao i studenti sa najboljih svetskih univerziteta. Sa druge strane, tu su talenti iz naše zemlje, povratnici koji su pokretači svojih inicijativa, kao i najbolji studenti sa domaćih univerziteta. Pozivi su upućeni državnim institucijama i nevladinomsektorukakobismosvi zajedno, predvođeni Anom Brnabić, predsednicomVlade i inicijatorkom ove konferencije, diskutovali o problemima i potencijalnim rešenjima u vezi sa jačanjem odnosa između dijaspore i našeg društva. DANI ODLAZAKNI POVRATAKNEBUDUTABU KONFERENCIJA TALENTI NA OKUPU . TALENT MEETUP 2.0 CONFERENCE LEAVINGOR RETURNING SHOULDN’T BE TABOO After spendingnine years livingabroad, Ivan Brkljač returned to Serbia, where he’d rst began his career as a specialist in online marketing and then been amongtheco-foundersof theMokrinHouse initiative. He recently began dealingwith the topic of circular migration and relations between our talentedpeopleboth in the country andamong the diaspora.LateDecemberwillseeBelgradehostthe conference Talent MeetUp 2.0, which was initiated by Serbian PM Ana Brnabić and will bring togetherSerbianpeoplewhoworkandstudyabroad successfully. We asked Ivan about the main idea andmessage of the conference, which is this year again being organised by the Serbia Creates national platform... “Theideaistobringtogether inoneplacetalentedpeople fromour society. Itwasdetermined at the previous gathering that a need exists to strengthen the relationship between the homeland and the diaspora, and this has beenworked onactivelyduringthisyear.Theaimof thisconference is to continue the route embarked upon to bring the diaspora and Serbian society closer together,withtheultimategoalofonedayhavingan unhinderedcircular owofpeople,knowhowand capital between Serbia and its diaspora.” Inwhichwaycanourcountryformanenvironmentinwhichtheyoung peoplewho leaveSerbiaalso return to the country? - It is important for us toget to the point where neither leavingnor returningaretaboo,butratheranintegralpartof theprocessesthatunfoldina vibrantglobaleconomy.Whatwecertainlyneedtoenableisforthosetransitions tobeas simpleaspossible,which iswhywe’vebeenworkingover the last year toease thevalidatingof foreigndiplomas,while theNational Bank of Serbia has published a nancial manual for returnees andwork is being done on the adaptationof customs regulationswhen it comes tobringing assetsacquiredabroadintothecountry.Thesearejustsomeof thestepsthat are being, andwill be, taken to facilitate integration into domestic society. Whoaretheconference’sparticipantsandtowhomhaveinvitations beenextended? -Ontheonehand, theyaremembersofvariousdiasporaorganisations, prominent individuals in the elds of science, business and the arts, but also students fromtheworld’s best universities. On the other hand, there are also talented people from our country, returnees who are the initiators of their initiatives, as well as the best students of local universities. Invitations have been extended to state institutions and the non-governmental sector, in order for us all to discuss together – under the leadership of Serbian Prime Minister and conference initiator Ana Brnabić – both the problems andpotential solutionswhen it comes to strengthening relations between the diaspora and our society. Theconference,which isbeingorganisedby the SerbiaCreatesnational platform,will beheldon 27th Decemberat the NationalTheatre inBelgrade Konferencija koju organizuje nacionalna platforma „Srbija stvara“ biće održana 27. decembra uNarodnom pozorištu u Beogradu