
12 | / ZAŠTOVOLITE AVIONE? – Dok sam se bavila manekenstvom, bila sam četiri dana u nedelji na putu, što je dosta naporno, osim kada se putuje avonom. Potpuno je čaroban osećaj da se u relativno kratkom vremenskom periodu nađeš na potpuno drugom kraju sveta. Kada putujem avionom, nemam osećaj umora. Volim da letim, kao mala sam želela da budem padobranac. Taj osećaj da sam visoko među oblacima me ushićuje. BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? – Uvek nosim nešto za grickanje, žvake, orašaste plodove i slično. Zatim sve što ima veze sa negom kože, kreme za lice, ruke, šminku. Volim da prelistam štampu, ali ne čitam ništa ozbiljno. KOJA SE DESTINACIJE RADO SEĆATE? – Mnoge egzotične zemlje, gradovi i različite kuture ostavili su jak utisak na mene, ali najjači utisak nosim iz Madrina, grada u jugoistočnoj Turskoj, na samoj granici sa Sirijom. Grad izgleda apsolutno čarobno, svojom arihitekturom oduševljava svakog posetioca. ZAŠTOVOLITE BEOGRAD? – Volim Beograd zato što je i veliki i mali, i metropola i palanka, i tih i bučan. Jednostavno je čaroban. Beograd je kao neko ko objektivno nije lep, ali ima toliko duše, šarma i energije da se na kraju zaljubite u njega i postane vam najlepši na svetu. Uprkos teškim situacijama kroz koje je prošao, Beograd uspeva da sve okrene u svoju korist i ostane vedar, pozitivan i inspirativan. WHY DOYOU LOVE PLANES? -When I was working inmodelling, I was on the road four days a week, which is pretty exhausting, except when you travel by air. It’s a completely magical feeling to nd yourself in a totally different part of the world in a relatively short period of time. I don’t feel tired when I travel by plane. I like to y, and as a kid I even wanted to be a paratrooper. I’m enraptured by that feeling of being high among the clouds. WHAT DON’T YOU BOARD A PLANEWITHOUT? - I always carry something to snack - chewing gum, nuts etc. Then there’s everything connected to skin care, facial creams, hand creams, make up. I like to scan the newspapers, but don’t read anything serious. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED ETCHED INYOUR MEMORIES? - Many exotic countries, cities and cultures have left a strong impression onme, but the strongest was nonetheless left by the city of Mardin, in southeast Turkey on the border with Syria. This city looks absolutely magical, delighting every visitor with its architecture. WHY DOYOU LOVE BELGRADE? - I love Belgrade because it is both big and small, both a metropolis and a town, both quiet and noisy – it is simply magical. It’s like someone who isn’t objectively pretty, but has so much soul, charm and energy that you eventually fall in love with it and it becomes the most beautiful in the world to you. And despite the di cult junctures it has gone through, Belgrade manages to turn everything to its advantage and remain serene, positive and inspiring. HTELASAM DABUDEM PADOBRANAC LJILJANA PEROVIĆ, ČUVENA JUGOSLOVENSKAMANEKENKA / FAMOUSYUGOSLAVMODEL I WANTED TO BE A PARATROOPER Fotografije / Photography: Vesna Lalić