
| 113 TheDigitalSerbiaInitiative,aprivate, non-governmental andnon-profit organisation that has the goal of transformingtheSerbianeconomy intoadigital economy, was co-founded by companies Ringier Axel Springer, Nordeus, Microsoft, Infostud, PwC, Seven Bridges, Startit,TelekomSrbijaandTelenor. The membership of this organisation today brings together 32 organisations and companies fromawide rangeof industries – fromthe softwareandvideogame industry, via banking, consulting and telecommunications, to agriculture, pharmaceuticals and the media. Branko Milutinović is one of the Digital Serbia Initiative’s founders and the CEO of Nordeus, oneof themost successful and most awarded gaming companies in Europe, and sinceMay 2017he has alsobeen President of theManagement Boardof the Digital Serbia Initiative. Hewas among the initiators of this unique non-pro t organisation that has a great, and for some utopian, mission: to bring Serbia among the ranksof the leadingdigital economiesover the next 10 years. How realistic does that initial idea seem today, two years on? - The idea is not utopian. The world is changing faster than ever. Most of todays jobswon’t exist ina fewdecades, butmany new ones will emerge. There will be a redistribution in the creation of value from which those who adapt to the automated and digital world will pro t the most. I believe that we have a chance not only to survive, but also toemergevictorious from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, because in it capital – which is not one of our advantages – is less important than creativity and expertise in the natural and technical sciences. And our society has a great tradition and success precisely in those areas. We already have world-leading companies in the elds of bioinformatics, video games, digital agriculture etc. Many of them are included in the Digital Serbia Initiative, where we are striving together to createanenvironment inwhich these individual successeswillbecometherule.When I look at everythingwe’vedone andeveryone we’ve included in this ght, I have no doubt that the kind of Serbia we’ve long imagined is really possible. We are closer than you could imagine. Youdealwithawide rangeof topics. How do you reach the de ning of a 32 vodeće kompanije iz najrazličitijih privrednih grana: IT, telekomi, banke, startap habovi, naučne, farmaceutske, konsultantske i medijske kuće. U tom dijalogu definišemo probleme i kreiramo konkretna, kvalitetna rešenja kojamožda ne odgovaraju svakome individualno, ali dugoročno pomeraju celo društvo napred. Ključni problemi i rešenja su u oblasti obrazovanja, pravno-poslovnog okruženja, podrške startapima, ali i sveukupnoj promeni svesti da imamo šansu i gde ona leži. Na šta ste u radu vaše organizacije tokom 2019. najponosniji? –Uradili smomnogou različitim domenima, alimeni jenajdraži uspeh to što smo spojili nespojive svetove da bismo pokrenuli programMaster 4.0. Na ovomprojektu smo povezali 10 državnih fakulteta, 75 kompanija, naše najbolje profesore sa predavačima iz inostranstva i stvorili program na koji su i studenti i privreda dugo čekali. Kroz ovaj program će 100 studenata u Beogradu, Nišu i Kragujevcu učiti o veštačkoj inteligenciji, blokčejnu, preduzetništvu, ali i sticati znanja potrebna da se sve te linije koda pretoče u proizvode za svetsko tržište. Master 4.0 je dokaz da u Srbiji imamo znanje, samo je potrebno da eksperti sednu za sto i odluče da rade zajedno. Žao mi je što takav program nije postojao na beogradskomETF-ukada samja studirao, ali mi je veoma drago što će neki novi klinci imati veću šansu da iz Srbije postignu svetski uspeh. Krozsvoj radpokušavatenesamo da „sredite kuću“ kroz podrškudigitalnoj ekonomiji već i dapozicionirate Srbijuumeđunarodnim okvirima? – Digitalnu privredu ne možete da razvijate oivičeni granicama. Novosadski blokčejn startap upoređuje se sa blokčejn startapom iz San Franciska. Niški gejming studio želi da privuče pažnju investitora iz Londona. U digitalnom biznisu, korisnici su na svakom kontinentu. Zato smo odlučili da izmerimo domaći startap eko-sistem u odnosu na svet i upišemo Srbiju na najrelevantniju svetsku startap mapu, kao jedinu tačku od Berlina do Tel Aviva. Od sada, kada investitor pogleda ka ovomdelu sveta, vidi samo nas. Pobeda koju je ove godine digitalna industrija odnela je i stvaranje mogućnosti The Digital Serbia Initiative was co-founded by companies Ringier Axel Springer, Nordeus, Microsoft, Infostud, PwC, Seven Bridges, Startit, Telekom Srbija and Telenor Inicijativu „Digitalna Srbija“ osnovali su Ringier Axel Springer, Nordeus, Microsoft, Infostud, PwC, Seven Bridges, Startit, Telekom Srbija i Telenor