
Theatre » Pozorište | 31 Avion je kao spejs šatl, simboličan prostor koji nam pruža novu, pitomiju stvarnost bez pandemije, bolesti, siromaštva... A plane is like a space shuttle, a symbolic space that offers us a new, more cultivated reality without pandemics, diseases, poverty etc. person desires in order to rise up fromtheir being. During a flight there are views through the plane’s windows that extend endlessly. Elevated to the heavens by plane, you realise how small you are, but also everything that sometimes seems insurmountable to you. I often also observe my own life in that way.” From July to July, alongside other things, he flew onAir Serbia planes along the Belgrade-NewYork route six times. “I’ve met all the crews of our national airline on flights to New York. ey joke with me that I fly there more often than they do. ey are always kind and I enjoy every journey with them.”