
August » Avgust | 109 31 AVGUST AUGUST 1997. Poginula je princeza Dajana Nešto posle ponoći 31. avgusta 1997, Dajana, princeza od Velsa, odmilja poznata kao „narodna princeza“, poginula je u automobilskoj nesreći u Parizu. Imala je 36 godina. Umrli su i njen partner Dodi Fajed i vozač automobila, Henri Pol. Dajana i Dodi, koji su letovali na Francuskoj rivijeri, stigli su u Pariz ranije prethodnog dana. Napustili su Ric nešto posle ponoći, nameravajući da odu u Dodijev stan. Čim su napustili hotel, roj paparaca na motociklima počeo je agresivno da prati njihov automobil. Otprilike tri minuta kasnije, vozač je izgubio kontrolu i udario u stub na ulazu u tunel Pont de l'Alma. Dodi i vozač proglašeni su mrtvim na mestu događaja. Dajana je odvedena u bolnicu i proglašena mrtvom u 6 ujutru. Njenu sahranu u Londonu, 6. septembra, pratilo je više od dve milijarde ljudi. PRINCESS DIANA DIED It was shortly after midnight on 31st August, 1997, that Diana, Princess of Wales—who was known affectionately as "the People’s Princess"—died as the result of a car crash in Paris. She was just 36 years old. The crash also took the lives of her then boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and the car’s driver, Henri Paul. Diana and Dodi, who had been holidaying on the French Riviera, arrived in Paris earlier the previous day. They left the Ritz Paris shortly after midnight, intending to go to Dodi’s apartment. As soon as they departed the hotel, a swarm of paparazzi on motorcycles began aggressively tailing their car. About three minutes later, the driver lost control and crashed into a concrete pillar at the entrance of the Pont de l'Alma tunnel. Dodi and the driver were pronounced dead at the scene, while Diana was rushed to hospital and only declared dead at 6am. Her 6th September London funeral was watched by over two billion people. Njenu smrt oplakivao je ceo svet Her death was met with a massive outpouring of grief