
Rhythm of Serbia » RitamSrbije | 93 Testifying to the magical nature of Eastern Serbia is the unreal desert scenery - Valja Fundata or Pustinjac - not far from Majdanpek, in the village of Debeli Lug. This exceptional Serbian desert, created by human hand, is the flotation tailings pond of the Majdanpek copper mine. Sand dunes, sunshine, endless white sand and warmth provide the feeling of being in the middle of the Sahara. Only the view of the Homolje area, which surrounds Valja Fundata, returns you to reality and tells you that you are located in the heart of Eastern Serbia . “If you want a complete ‘through desert and rainforest’ adventure, I suggest you traverse the canyon of the gold-bearing river Pek, which is located in the immediate vicinity. There are also numerous viewing points there, providing fantastic views, caves and the Todorova river,” says Nataša. Tu su i brojni vidikovci sa fantastičnimpogledom There are also numerous viewing points there Ukoliko želite potpunu avanturu, predlažem vam i prolazak kroz kanjon zlatonosne reke Pek If you want a complete adventure, I suggest you traverse the canyon of the gold-bearing river Pek