
THE PICNIC, THAT POE TIC GATHERING UNDER THE OPEN skies inspired by what was once a snobbish tradition, provides a safe haven from that which new norms of social distancing have prescribed for gatherings. At the end of the day, everyone can even have their own blanket, distributed at a distance but still including the spirit of togetherness! Alongside all of the aforementioned, a picnic doesn’t require a big budget or complicated organisation - actually, all that’s needed is for the weather to be nice! You don’t even have to travel far in search of an idyllic exterior – you can hold a picnic in your garden, on a balcony or in a city park. With the aim of inspiring lifestyle, we turned to Aleksandra Vučković, who has more than 17,000 followers on her Instagram account @withinstalovealex. Her photos #withinstalovetravels are rich in the romantic nomadic spirit, so it was somehow completely logical for her to be our guide through the aesthetics of modern picnics. While you enjoy her photos, remember these golden rules for a picnic that will cause Instagram to ignite! 70 | Lajfstajl » Lifestyle Lajfstajl Lifestyle Piknik Picnic Poetični susret na travi Picnic, the art of enjoying themoment U ovim čudnim vremenima više nego ikad imamo potrebu za skladom, spontanošću i smirenošću. U svetu u kom se bliskost skoro svakodnevno rede niše – zajednički obrok u prirodi jedna je od retkih stvari koje nismo otpisali In these strange times, our need for harmony, spontaneity and tranquillity is more pronounced than ever. In a world where intimacy is redefined on an almost daily basis – a shared meal in nature is one of the few things we haven’t written off Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: Aleksandra Vučković PIKNIK, TA UMETNOST UŽIVANJA U TRENUTKU IN SPIRISANA NEKADA snobovskom tradicijom, pruža bezbedno utočište od onoga što su nove norme distanciranja propisale za okupljanje. Na kraju krajeva, svako može biti na svom ćebencetu raspoređenom na razdaljini, a duh zajedništva je i dalje tu! Uz sve navedeno, piknik ne iziskuje veliki budžet niti komplikovanu organizaciju – zapravo, samo treba da je vreme lepo! Čak ne morate ni da idete daleko u potrazi za idiličnim eksterijerom – piknik može biti i u vašoj bašti, na terasi ili u gradskom parku. U cilju lajfstajl inspiracije, obratili smo se Aleksandri Vučković, koju na Instagram nalogu @withinstalovealex prati više od 17.000 ljudi. Njene fotogra je #withinstalovetravels vrve od romantičnog nomadskog duha, pa je bilo sasvim logično da nam bude vodič kroz modernu piknik estetiku. Dok uživate u njenim fotogra jama, setite se i ovih zlatnih pravila za piknik od kojeg će goreti Instagram! Da li ste raspoloženi za jedan pariski piknik? Are you in the mood for a Parisian picnic