
News » Vesti | 43 ON I SUHEROJ I . RS KO JE TVOJ HEROJ? OVA PANDEMIJA OTKRILA JE SNAGU I POŽRTVOVANOST mnogih ljudi širom Srbije koji su dali izuzetne lične primere tokom pandemije. Delegacija Evropske unije, u partnerstvu sa Er Srbijom, raspisala je konkurs, postavljajući direktno pitanje: ko je vaš heroj? Mnogi ljudi su odgovorili i na specijalnom portalu onisuheroji.rs nominovali više od 100 lokalnih junaka iz 30 gradova širom Srbije. Priče o brojnim herojima na ovom takmičenju govore o požrtvovanosti i hrabrosti onih koji su svojom nesebičnom energijom i posvećenošću pomogli svojoj zajednici tokom pandemije. Oni zaslužuju naše priznanje i zahvalnost. Petnaest heroja s najvećim brojem glasova nagrađeno je putovanjem za dve osobe u bilo koju zemlju EU gde Er Srbija ima direktne letove. – Solidarnost je ključni element ljudskog i društvenog tkiva na kom počiva svako društvo i jedna je od osnovnih vrednosti na kojima počiva EU. U teškim vremenima solidarnost postaje još važnija. EU je pokazala punu solidarnost sa Srbijom doniravši 15 miliona evra tokommarta i aprila, a za narednih šest meseci EU ce obezbediti i plate za 200 novih medicinskih radnika iz Srbije. EU ostaje solidarna sa Srbijom i ubuduće, kao i prethodne dve decenije. Inicijativa Delegacije EU Oni su heroji odaje počast mnogim nevidljivim herojima koji su radili za sve nas tokom pandemije – rekao je Sem Fabrici, šef Delegacije EU u Srbiji. Pobednički heroji su volonteri, prodavci, komšije, nastavnici, policajci, lekari, novinari, higijeničari. Uprkos rizicima, nastavili su da rade, vodeći računa o drugima i olakšavajući život svojim sugrađanima. THIS PANDEMIC REVEALED STRENGTH AND DEDICATION of many people throughout Serbia who set outstanding examples during the pandemic. The European Union Delegation, in partnership with Air Serbia, launched a call to ask a direct question: who is your hero? Many people replied nominating over 100 local heroes from 30 cities and municipalities across Serbia on the website onisuheroji.rs. The heroic stories in this competition tell of the sacrifice and courage of those who are selfless and devoted to helping their communities during a pandemic. They deserve our recognition and gratitude. 15 heroes with the highest number of votes were awarded with two tickets each to any EU Country served by Air Serbia with direct flights. „Solidarity is a key element of human and social fabric on which every society is based and is one of the fundamental values on which the EU is founded. In difficult times like these, solidarity becomes ever more important. The EU has extended its full solidarity to Serbia, having donated 15 million euros between March and April and we are now to fund the hiring of 200 new emergency Serbian medical staff for six months. The EU remains ready to show solidarity to Serbia in the future, as it has in the past two decades. Our initiative to launch „Oni su heroji“ is a tribute to the many unsung heroes who have been working for us all during the pandemic,“ said Sem Fabrizi, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia. The heroes include volunteers, salespeople, neighbours, teachers, police officers, doctors, journalists, cleaners. Despite the risks, they continued to work, taking care of others, making life easier for their fellow citizens. WHO IS YOUR HERO? ON I SUHE ROJ I . RS