
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23 NJUJORK NEWYORK Igraće se US Open Otvoreno prvenstvo Amerike definitivno će se održati prema planu od 31. avgusta do 13. septembra, saopštio je Endru Kuomo, guverner države Njujork. Turnir će se održati pod posebnim uslovima, a u ovom trenutku nije poznato da li će na US Openu igrati Novak Đoković i Rafael Nadal. Neizvesno je i učešće Rodžera Federera, koji je ove godine čak dva puta operisao koleno. Ipak, organizatori su odlučni da održe turnir jer veruju da će biti od koristi i njima, i teniserima, i kompletnomteniskomsvetu. U.S. OPEN TO BE PLAYED Tennis’s U.S. Open will definitely be held according to plan, from 31st August to 13th September, according to an announcement given by Andrew Cuomo, governor of the state of New York. The tournament will be held under special conditions and at present it’s unknown whether Novak Đoković and Rafael Nadal will compete. Also in question is the participation of Roger Federer, who underwent knee surgery twice this year. However, the organisers are determined to hold the tournament because they believe it will benefit them, the tennis players and the entire tennis world. NIRNBERG NUREMBERG Čari Carske tvrđave Kao drugi najveći grad u Bavarskoj, Nirnberg često ostaje u senci Minhena, ali i te kako ima šta da ponudi posetiocima. Malo je poznato da od svih nemačkih velikih gradova ima najviše muzeja po glavi stanovnika, a tačka sa koje se pogledom grli ceo grad je Carska tvrđava. Deo je zamka Kajzerburg, smeštenog na brdu, koji predstavlja simbol grada još od srednjeg veka. Turisti se uglavnom zadržavaju na zidinama zamka i uživaju u pogledu, iako imaju mogućnost da posete rezidencijalnu carsku palatu, kapelu i toranj. CHARMS OF THE IMPERIAL CASTLE As the second largest city in Bavaria, Nuremberg often remains in Munich’s shadow, but it also has plenty to offer visitors. It isn’t common knowledge that it has the most museums per capita of all major German cities, and the point from which views embrace the entire city is the Imperial Castle. Part of the Kaiserburg fortress located on a hilltop, it has represented a symbol of the city since the Middle Ages. The majority of tourists usually stay on the castle walls and enjoy the views, although they can take advantage of the available tour of the residential imperial castle, chapel and tower. SALCBURG SALZBURG Dvorac koji je inspirisao Mocarta Na svakom koraku ovde možete videti bisere arhitekture u baroknom stilu, a jedan od njih je svakako dvorac Mirabel, koji karakterišu predivni vrtovi, fontane i statue rimskih i grčkih bogova. Vrtovi Mirabela su biser hortikulture i turisti uživaju u šetnji predivnim ambijentom u kojem se tokom letnjih meseci često organizuju koncerti. Najlepša prostorija u dvorcu je Mermerna dvorana, a zanimljivo je da žitelji Salcburga ponosno ističu da su cvetni parkovi tog dvorca inspirisali Mocarta da komponuje Čarobnu frulu. PALACE THAT INSPIRED MOZART At every step here you can see gems of Baroque style architecture, amongst which is certainly Mirabell Palace, characterised by its beautiful gardens, fountains and statues of Roman and Greek gods. Mirabell Gardens are a pearl of horticulture and tourists enjoy strolling in the beautiful ambience, where concerts are often organised during the summer months. The most beautiful space in the palace is the Marble Hall, while it is also interesting that natives of Salzburg proudly note that the floral parks of this palace even inspired Mozart to compose his opera The Magic Flute. Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography: iStock / Seqoya, iStock / V. Zolotov, Profimedia, M. Mitrović