
76 | Krunu ostrva sa najstarijom tradicijom organizovanog turizma u Evropi Hvar je poneo zahvaljujući pravoj sredozemnoj klimi, lokalno zvanoj „klima masline“. Plavo vedro nebo, rekord od 3.053 sata sunca u toku godine, temperatura koja se samo u januaru i februaru ponekad spusti ispod 10 stepeni i maestral koji počinje da duva čim počnu da listaju smokve mnogima su postali ideal uživanja tokom cele godine. Zato ne čudi što su prve naseobine na Hvaru nastale još pre šest milenijuma, o čemu svedoče ostaci kulture poznate po bojenoj keramici. Istoimeni grad Hvar, Stari Grad, Jelsa i Sućuraj su najpoznatije destinacije na ostrvu, koje proslavljeno ime duguje grčkoj reči za svetionik – pharos. Tokom srednjeg veka grad Hvar je bio važna luka mletačke pomorske imperije, a danas je turističko središte ostrva i letnji svetionik za sve koji su željni provoda. Uz rascvetale bugenvilije, borove šume, vinograde i maslinjake, polja ruzmarina i lavande Hvar odiše bogatom tradicijom, što je prepoznato i u Organizaciji za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu Ujedinjenih nacija, zbog čega ga danas zovu „ostrvo Uneska“. Starogradsko polje na Hvaru upisano je na listu svetske baštine jer predstavlja najbolje sačuvani antički grčki pejzaž na Sredozemlju, gde se u kontinuitetu dva i po milenijuma uzgajaju grožđe i masline. Veština izrade čipke od niti agave, koja se prenosila kroz generacije u benediktinskom samostanu u Hvaru, takođe je uvršćena na listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine, baš kao i 500 godina duga tradicija uskršnje procesije u gradiću Jelsi. Koliko je ostrvo poznato po starim letnjikovcima, renesansnom dvorcu Tvrdalj, palatama i baroknim trgovima, toliko je neodoljivo privlačno poklonicima dobrog noćnog provoda i fešti pod mesečinom. Dobroj atmosferi doprinose čuvena hvarska vina i neodoljiva kuhinja, čiji je najukusniji predstavnik gregada, jelo siromašnih ribara, koje je ujedno supa i glavno jelo. The crown of Croatia’s islands, with the oldest tradition of organised tourism in Europe, is worn by Hvar, thanks to its trueMediterranean climate dubbed locally as“the climate of olives”.With a blue, clear sky, a record of 3,053 hours of sunshine per year, a temperature that only drops below10 degrees in January and February, and amistral wind that starts blowing as soon as the g trees begin gaining leaves, many have found this island the ideal location for enjoyment throughout the year. It is thus no surprise to learn that the rst settlements on Hvar originated sixmillennia ago, as evidenced by the remains of a culture known for its painted ceramics. The towns of the island – the namesake Hvar, Stari Grad, Jelsa and Sućuraj – are the most famous destinations on this island that owes its famous name to the Greekword for lighthouse – pharos. Duringmedieval times, the city of Hvar was an important port of theVenetian Empire, while today it is the centre of tourismon the island and a summer beacon beckoning those keen on a good time. With blossoming bougainvillea, pine forests, vineyards and olive groves, elds of rosemary and lavender, Hvar exudes with a rich tradition that’s been recognised by the UnitedNations Educational, Scienti c and Cultural Organisation, which is why it is today called“UNESCO island”. Hvar’s OldTown eld is included on theWorld Heritage List because it represents the best preserved ancient Greek landscape in theMediterranean, where grapes and olives have been cultivated continuously for two and a half millennia. The skill of making lace fromagave thread, which has been passed down through generations at Hvar’s Benedictine nunnery, is also included on the list of theworld’s intangible cultural heritage, as is the 500-year-long tradition of the Easter procession in the island’s small town of Jelsa. As renowned as the island is for its old summerhouses, the Renaissance residence of Tvrdalj Castle, palaces and baroque squares, it is just as irresistible to lovers of good times and festivities under themoonlight. Contributing to the good atmosphere are Hvar’s famous wines and unavoidable cuisine, the tastiest representative of which is“gregada”, a dish rst made by poor shermen that’s both a soup and amain course. Hvar HVAR SVETIONIK S KLIMOM MASLINE LIGHTHOUSE WITHA CLIMATE FOROLIVES iStock / andras_csontos iStock / ermingut