
28 | / ČUKUR ČESMA Čukur Fountain is located in Dobračina Street and is characterised by the bronze statue of a boy lying on a marble slab. The sculpture – o cially titled “The Boy with a Broken Pitcher” – is a work of Serbian academic and sculptor Simeon Roksandić that was created in 1931 as a memorial to an incident that took place on the site in June 1862. The boy represented is 13-year-old Sava Petković. He had been sent to fetch water from Čukur Fountain, but Turkish soldiers also happened to be at the fountain when he arrived and they tried to take his pitcher from him, prompting Sava to defend himself, which led to him being killed. Serbian ‘gendarme’ police o cers soon arrived and arrested the killers, but other Turkish soldiers came to their aid and the incident developed into a erce battle between Serbs and Turks in Belgrade. ČUKUR ČESMA Čukur-česma se nalazi u Dobračinoj ulici i karakteristična je po bronzanoj statui dečaka koji leži na mermernoj ploči. Zvaničan naziv skulpture je Dečak sa razbijenim krčagom, a autor je bio srpski akademik i skulptor Simeon Roksandić, koji ju je 1931. uradio u sećanje na incident koji se na tom mestu odigrao u junu 1862. godine. Prikazani dečak je 13-godišnji šegrt Sava Petković kog su poslali da donese vode sa Čukur-česme. Međutim, kod česme su se zadesili i turski vojnici, koji su pokušali da mu otmu bokal, a kad je Sava pokušao da se odbrani, ubili ga. Srpski žandarmi koji su ubrzo došli uhapsili su ubice, međutim drugi turski vojnici su pritekli u pomoć i to je preraslo u žestok sukob Srba i Turaka u Beogradu. HAJDUČKA ČESMA Hajdučka česma nalazi se u Košutnjaku i asocira, s jedne strane, na ubistvo kneza Mihaila Obrenovića, koje se 1868. godine dogodilo nedaleko od nje, a s druge na legendarni koncert Bijelog dugmeta 1977. godine. Pretpostavlja se da je podignuta krajem 18. veka i jedna je od najstarijih česama sa izvorskom vodom, ali se ne zna poreklo njenog imena, kao ni mnogi drugi detalji. Naime, prvi zapis u kome se pominje je testament Dositeja Obradovića u kome je izneo želju da bude sahranjen upravo pored Hajdučke česme. Sadašnji izgled česme datira s kraja 19. veka sa kamenim delovima profilacije, dok su ostale površine pokrivene veštačkim kamenom u 20. veku. HAJDUK’S FOUNTAIN The Hajduk’s Fountain is located in Košutnjak forest park and is associated, on one side, with the assassination of Prince Mihailo Obrenović, which happened nearby in 1868, and with the legendary 1977 concert of popular Yugoslav band Bijelo Dugme [White Button]. It is presumed to have been erected at the end of the 18th century and is among the oldest fountains with natural spring water, but the origin of its name is unknown, along with many other details... Speci cally, the rst record of its mentioning is in the last will and testament of writer Dositej Obradović, who expressed his desire to be buried right next to the Hajduk’s Fountain. The look of the fountain today, with stone pro ling sections, dates back to the end of the 19th century, while the other surfaces were covered with arti cial stone during the 20th century.