
Flying is better when you do not wait for your luggage Leteti je lepše… … kad ne čekate prtljag Are you already running late and don’t have time to wait for your luggage to appear on the baggage collection conveyor belt? Mark your luggage with a “Priority” label. This service ensures your luggage will be delivered immediately to the baggage collection point. Već kasnite, svaka sekunda je dragocena i nemate kad da čekate da vam prtljag izađe na traci? Er Srbija ima rešenje. Označite svoj prtljag nalepnicom Prioritet . Ta usluga znači da će vaš kofer na traku biti isporučen odmah na početku. E S / A S ir Serbia’s Ancillary Services achieved their best results to date in June. With the projected budget exceeded for the third time this year, the highest growth rate was achieved in June. The services contributing the most to the result are: Plusgrade – a bidding service for upgrading from Economy to Business Class, additional luggage and seat selection. There was also an increase of 58% in Priority services collection – Priority Check-in, Fast Track, Priority Boarding and Priority Bag tag – allowing passengers to use business class facilities at favourable prices. Passengers showed the greatest interest in the bidding service for switching from Economy to Business. Furthermore, this June also saw the Air Serbia Contact Centre achieve its best result since 2008, when sales of electronic tickets was initially launched. The increase in sales was due to nine new routes launched in June, coupled with high demand for seasonal destinations. June’s promotional action “No service fee”, during which a ticket service fee was not charged, also contributed greatly to these results. ODLIČNI REZULTATI DODATNIH USLUGA I KONTAKT CENTRA ERSRBIJA MEĐUNAJBOLJIM REGIONALNIMKOMPANIJAMA EVROPE I SVETA EXCELLENT RESULTS OF ANCILLARY SERVICES AND CONTACT CENTRE lužba dodatnih usluga ostvarila je tokom juna svoj najbolji rezultat do sada. To je treći put ove godine da je premašen projektovani budžet, s tim da je u junu ostvaren najveći procent rasta. Usluge koje su najviše doprinele rezultatu su Plusgrade – usluga licitiranja za prelazak iz ekonomske u biznis-klasu, dodatni prtljag i odabir sedišta u avionu. Naplata prioritetnih usluga – Priority Check-in, Fast track, Priority Boarding i Priority Bag tag – veći je za čak 58 odsto, čime smo omogućili putnicima da koriste pogodnosti biznis-klase po povoljnim cenama. Najveću zainteresovanost putnici su pokazali za uslugu licitiranja za prelazak iz ekonomske u biznis-klasu. Osim toga, kontakt-centar je u junu postigao najbolji rezultat od 2008. godine, od kada se u kompaniji prodaju elektronske karte. Porastu prodaje doprinelo je devet novih ruta, čiji su letovi počeli od juna, kao i velika potražnja za sezonskim destinacijama. Promotivna akcija No Service Fee, tokom koje se nije naplaćivala naknada za izdavanje karata u junu, umnogome je doprinela ovakvim rezultatima. S A AIRSERBIAAMONG BESTREGIONALAIRLINES INEUROPEAND WORLDWIDE r Srbija je među najboljim je avio-prevoznicima istočne Evrope za 2019. godinu, prema godišnjem izveštaju World Airline Awards portala skytrax koji je predstavljen na aeromitingu u Parizu. Po četvrti put svrstani smo među najbolje u toj kategoriji, ali i među vodeće svetske i evropske regionalne avio-prevoznike. Srpski avio-prevoznik zauzeo je četvrto mesto u istočnoj Evropi, dok je na primer Kroacija erlajnz osma, a Adrija ervejz je na devetom mestu. ir Serbia has been listed among Eastern Europe’s best carriers for 2019 at the annual “World Airline Awards”, hosted by Skytrax during the Paris Air Show. Air Serbia featured among the best in the category for the fourth time, while it was also listed among the top regional airlines in Europe and worldwide. The Serbian carrier was voted Eastern Europe’s fourth best airline, while the region’s Croatia Airlines came eighth and Adria Airways took ninth place. E A 112 |