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96 | Maslačak » Dandelion Svakog proleća se travnjaci šarene cvetovima maslačka, koje će uskoro zameniti vazdušaste bele loptice spremne da budu oduvane i raznesene vetrom Lawns and meadows are awash each spring with the colourful flowers of dandelions, which soon give way to airy white balls that are ready to be blown away and dispersed on the wind Dine&Wine Kada je o ishrani današnjice reč, čini se da je više nego ikad aktuelna težnja da se iz prirode uzme ono što je često nepravedno zapostavljeno kako bi se napravio balans između preteranog konzumiranja mesa i sve češćih upozorenja zaštitnika životne sredine o tome da budućnost hrane nije moguća bez većeg udela one koja je „plant based“. Osim što su nam pijace prepune zeleniša i svežeg povrća, na svakom koraku možemo pronaći jestive i zdrave biljke u svom okruženju. Jedna od njih svakako je maslačak, od davnina poznat kao pravi mali eliksir zdravlja. Ovaj epitet zaslužuje jer je bogat vitaminom C, a sadrži više gvožđa čak i od spanaća. Što se tiče njegovih lekovitih svojstava, ima ih mnogo, ali je najbolje da se primenjuje za poboljšanje apetita, čišćenje pluća i organizma od toksina. Koristi se kod kožnih bolesti, anemije, povišenog krvnog pritiska, a njegov koren može da posluži i kao diuretik. Ipak, maslačak ne egzistira samo u domenu „bilje i zdravlje“ već je prokrčio sebi put i ka gourmet segmentu kulinarstva. Neki od najprestižnijih restorana, čiji inovativni šefovi svakodnevno pomeraju granice konvencionalnih menija, poput danske Nome, pokazuju kako maslačak komplementira najfinije ukuse. Ne znate odakle biste počeli? Dozvolite da predložimo osvežavajuću salatu. Naberite dve šake finih listova maslačka (na mestu udaljenom od saobraćaja), operite i ostavite da se osuše. Za marinadu uzmite 4 do 5 kašika maslinovog ulja, 2 kašike jabukovog sirćeta ili 2 kašike ceđenog limuna, posolite, pobiberite i stavite malo meda. Sve ulupajte žicom za mućenje, pa pre serviranja pomešajte salatu sa marinadom. Prijatno! Whenitcomestocontemporary nutrition, there seems to bemore of a penchant than ever before to take fromnature that which is often unjustifiably overlooked, in order to strike a better balance between excessive consumption of animal products and environmentalists’ increasing warnings about the impossibility of the future of food without a greater share of “plant-based” nutrition. Apart from Serbia’s open markets, which are packed with salad greens and fresh vegetables at every turn, we can also find edible, healthy plants in our everyday surroundings. The dandelion is certainly one such delight, and it has long been known as a proper mini “elixir of health”. The fact that it’s rich in vitamin C and contains more iron than spinach makes it worthy of this epithet. It also has many healing properties, but it is best applied as an appetite stimulant and for cleansing harmful toxins from the lungs and body. It is also used to treat dermatological issues, anaemia and high blood pressure, while its root can also serve as a diuretic. The dandelion nevertheless doesn’t exist exclusively in the domain of “herbs and health”, but rather it’s also carved out a route to the gourmet cuisine segment. Some of the most prestigious restaurants, with innovative chefs who push the boundaries of conventional menus on a daily basis, such as Denmark’s Noma, show us how the humble dandelion can complement the finest flavours. Don’t know where to start? Allow us to propose a refreshing salad. Pick two handfuls of fine dandelion leaves (in a spot situated far from traffic), wash and leave to dry. To make the marinade, combine four-to-five tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt, pepper and a little honey. Whisk everything in a bowl and mix the salad with the marinade before serving. Bon appetit! u t rendu j e p l ant based / Y e l low e l i x i r of hea lt h and f l avour Žuti eliksir zdravlja i ukusa The dandelion is a gastronomic holy grail Priča o malim, hrabrim, žutim glavicama koje su tako obične, a tako fantastične / The story of bold little yellow buds that are so ordinary, yet so fantastic Maslačak Dandelion