
50 | Trendovi » Trends Moda Fashion REČ D I Z A J NER A TOP PET KOMADA PROLEĆNE MODE Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs Šta ćemo nositi u vedrim danima i da li se to uklapa u filozofiju stila „kupi sad, nosi zauvek“ KONAČNO IMAMO DETALJAN POGLED NA TO KAKO IZGLEDA moda nastala u pandemiji – fokus je na komadima koji prevazilaze sezonske trendove i pružaju vanvremenska stilska rešenja. Sve se to odlično uklapa u lajtmotiv održive mode koja podiže svest o tome da hiperprodukcija odeće zagađuje planetu, ali i našu novostečenu naviku da se odevamo ležernije i sa manje truda. Što ne znači da ne želimo da budemo šik! Pa da vidimo šta su dizajneri predvideli za toplije mesece. WE FINALLY HAVE A DETAILED VIEW OF WHAT it looks like when fashion is created during a pandemic – the focus is on pieces that go beyond seasonal trends and instead provide timeless style solutions. All of this fits excellently into the leitmotif of sustainable fashion, which promotes awareness that the overproduction of clothing pollutes the planet – but also our newly acquired habit of dressing more casually and with less effort. And this doesn‘t mean we don‘t want to give a chic impression! So, let‘s see what designers have envisaged for the warmer months. DES I GNE R ' S WORD Top 5 spring fashion pieces What will we wear on clear days and does it adhere to the style philosophy “buy now, wear forever” Trendovi Trends