
KULTURA / CULTURE 40 | Strip » Comics dustriji ili kao ilustratori ili rade stripove za strane izdavače, gde uživaju dobar glas. Nažalost, naši crtači su unajmljeni da ilustruju scenarije stranih scenarista jer je najteže stranom izdavaču plasirati svoju priču – kaže on. O tome kolika je disproporcija u pitanju, najbolje svedoči činjenica da trenutno pedesetak crtača radi za najveće francuske, američke i italijanske izdavače, a samo jedan scenarista. Na njegovu sreću, ali i na žalost, Marko, kako kaže, u poslednje četiri godine jedini brani čast domaćeg strip-scenarija u radu sa značajnijim američkim, francuskim i kineskim izdavačima. – Vekovnici su, recimo, projekat koji opstaje samo zahvaljujući činjenici da bukvalno čitava ekipa koja na njima radi donira svoje vreme, veštinu i energiju. Radimo, po tuđim ocenama, domaći strip na najvišemglobalnomnivou, ali to već skoro 15 godina radimo bez ikakve nadoknade. Zamislite šta bismomogli da uradimo sa malo pomoći – kaže Marko Stojanović, koji piše jedan od najboljih stripova na svetu. This entry marks a record sixth time that “Vekovnici” have been included on the list of the world's best comics Ovo je rekordni, šesti put da su se Vekovnici našli na top-listi najboljih stripova sveta VE KOVN I C I BR EAKS R ECORDS British journalist Paul Gravett, the leading authority in the world of comics, compiles an annual chart of the world's top comics. And his selection of the most important titles published in 2020 includes the Integral 1 work from the Serbian series “Vekovnici” [translated as Endless], entitled "Life and Death" and authored by writer Marko Stojanović Serbia is known around the world for its sporting successes, sites of naturally beauty and gourmets, but also increasingly for its maestros of comic books. Marko Stojanović is undoubtedly one of the best. As the writer and creator of the series “Vekovnici” [Endless], he is an artist whose Integral “Life andDeath” comic found its way onto the chart of the world‘s best comics published last year. And that list is compiled by none other than Paul Gravett, the leading authority in the world of comics and the author of the famous book 1001 Comics You Must Read Before You Die. Vekovnici series writer Stojanović, whose works have beenpublished since2007, is a lecturer at theNikola Mitrović Kokan School of Comics in Leskovac, and his latest edition includesworks by his former students, Marko Nikolić and Denis Dupanović, as well as many other cartoonists – fromDejanNenadov and Vladimir Aleksić, to Tihomir Čelanović and Aljoša Tomić. The cover page was created by Marvel cartoonists Dalibor Talajić and Velibor Stanojević. “TheVekovnici Integral - Life andDeath came about at the insistence of fans of comics, because the first albums can no longer be found anywhere and the new audience that has grown up in the meantime wants to follow the series from the start. Of course, this also provided an opportunity to refresh and polish some things, so this occasion was used to remake the first album,” says Stojanović, whowas born in Leskovac and still lives there, working as an English teacher, but also as a writer, theorist, translator, editor… KRALJEVIĆMARKO ENCOUNTERSMOZART AND FAUST Tu ćete sresti Mocarta, Miloša Obilića, Stevana Sinđelića, ali i Fausta, D’Artanjana i Frankenštajna / Here you will find Mozart, Miloš Obilić and Stevan Sinđelić, but also Faust, D‘Artagnan and Frankenstein