
90 | / Hotel čuva tajnu ljubavi Liz i RičardaBartona,kojisuusrcuAntibaproveli imedenimesec, a unjemu su trajno zabeleženi i momenti koji su među najemotivnijimtrenucimauAnjinomživotu. – Dok sam sa ocem išla ka oltaru i držalagazaruku,činilomisedalebdim. Srećna sam štome je tata zasmejavao, panisamplakala,atrenutakkadajemoju ruku predao Igou bio je najlepši i sa najviše emocija jer samveoma vezana za oca – priseća seAnja, koja je na venčanjunosila haljinu libanskogdizajneraElijaSabadugušestmetara.Onjenoj bajci iz Antiba pisao je i japanski Vog. –To je takvomestodabihsesvake godinetamovenčavala.Unjemuzaboravitenavreme i kolikogoddaostanete,nikadanijedovoljno–poručujeAnja, kojoj je Azurna obala zauvek u srcu. Pre glamuroznog slavlja na Azurnoj obali Anja i Igo su u Parizu sklopili građanski brak. –Nije čudo što je Pariz oduvek bio inspiracija za romane i holivudske filmove. Istina je da se u njemu osećate kaouBodlerovimstihovima. Pobraserijama muzičari sviraju La Vie En Rose, pesmu Edit Pjaf, na mostu na Seni ljubavnici iz celog sveta katancima zaključavaju svoju ljubav – kaže Anja, kojoj je od 12. godine grad ljubavi bio stalna adresa, a u kojem danas živi sa porodicom. Gospođa Valente, koja je završila studije dizajna na prestižnom koledžu CentralSentMartinsuLondonuiuParsonsškoliuNjujorku,čestoufrancuskoj prestonici obilazi revije visoke mode i tamojeipronašlainspiracijuzaraskošnu venčanicu sa kristalima. Anja u svakom trenutku ima pravi modni savet, a kao neko ko je živeo na raznimkontinentima (izmeđuostalog i u Japanu) i ko zna dušu Francuske, onima koji nameravaju da posete tu zemlju preporučuje: – Ima mnogo lepih mesta i gradova i nikada mi ne dosadi istraživanje. Tu su prelepe vinarije u Bordou, polja lavande u Avinjonu, a kuhinja je tako bogata. Zbog ostriga idemo u Normandiju, a zbog bujabesa odlazimo u Marselj. To je specijalitet mog rodnog grada. ments that are among themost emotional in Anja’s life. “While I walked towards the altar with my father and held him by the arm, it seemedas though Iwas oating. I’mhappy thatmyDad laughed so I didn’t cry, and themoment when he o eredmy hand to Hugowas themost beautiful andheld the most emotions, because I’mvery attached tomy father, recalls Anja, whowore to her wedding a gown createdby Lebanese designer Elie Saab that was six metres long. Her Antibes fairy talewas also reportedby the Japanese edition of Vogue. “It’s such a place that I would get married there every year. There you forget about time andhowever longyou stay it’s never enough,”says Anja, who the has the Côte d’Azur forever in her heart. Prior to their glamorous celebration on the Côte d’Azur, Anja and Hugo had a civil marriage ceremony in Paris. “It’s no wonder that Paris has always proved inspirational for novels andHollywood lms. There you truly feel like you’re in Baudelaire’s verses. Musicians perform Édith Piaf ’s signature song La Vie En Rose around thebrasseries, whileon thebridge across the Seine lovers come fromall over theworld to lock up their lovewith a padlock,”says Anja, who has had a permanent address in this city of love since the age of 12andstill lives there todaywithher family. Mrs Valente, who completed her designstudies at theprestigiousCentral Saint MartinsCollege inLondonand theParsons School ofDesign inNewYork, oftenattends haute couture reviews in the French capital, where she also found inspiration for her gorgeousweddinggownwithcrystals. Anja has the right fashion advice at anygivenmoment and– as someonewho has lived on various continents (residing in Japan among other places) and who knows the soul of France – she has a recommendation for those intending to visit this country: “There aremany beautiful towns and cities and I never get bored of exploring. There are beautiful wineries in Bordeaux, lavender elds inAvignon, and the cuisine is so rich. We go to Normandy because of the oysters, while we go to Marseille because of the bouillabaisse. That’s the speciality of my hometown.” PIKSI’S WEDDING IN CANNES The South of France is also extremely important to Anja’s parents, a couple who were wed in Cannes and with whom she is extremely close. “They are the people I respect and love the most in the world, and I would like to raise my children in the same way they raised my sister, my brother and I.” Anja i Igo sa ćerkicom Indijom Rouz Anja and Igo vith daughter India Rose