
| 81 Gvozdenakula,modernočudo genijalnog Gistava Ajfela, u maju će proslaviti 130 godina od otvaranja, pa se vraćamo u to vreme, u davnu 1889. godinu, kada je Francuska slavila 100. godišnjicu revolucije, a Ajfel poklonio Parizu svoje čedo. Čedo koje je postalo čudo, zapravo najposećeniji spomenik za koji se plaća ulaznica na celom svetu. A nije tako bilo na početku. Pariski umetnici, slikari, pesnici, arhitekte pisali su peticije protiv monstruozne kule, gvozdenog čudovišta, i protestovali „protivpodizanja jednenepotrebne i čudovišne, sramotnosmešne kule, koja će dominirati Parizompoput kakvogdivovskog, crnogdimnjaka čije će prisustvo poniziti arhitekturu...“, pisali su umetnici, među kojima i Gi de Mopasan. Istina, on je jedini ostao dosledan svom preziru prema kuli, čak i kada se mišljenje mnogih promenilo i ona postala senzacija. Mopasan je nastavio da svakodnevno ruča u Ajfelovom restoranu jer je to bilo jedino mesto sa kojeg nije morao da gleda mrski toranj. A zaista, kula se vidi iz svih delova Pariza. Pariski umetnici su, dakle, bili ukrivu i kula je postala pravi simbol grada i sa svojih tada 300metara najviša građevina na svetu (kada je na nju postavljena antena, mnogokasnije, dosegla je sadašnjih 324 metra), gotovo dva puta viša od dotadašnjeg rekordera, obeliska u Vašingtonu. Godine 1930, kulu je prešišala Krajslerova zgrada u Njujorku (319 metara), a potom i Empajer stejt bilding (449 metara). A ipak, dva vertikalnaspojenaželezničkamosta, što predstavljaAjfelovakonstrukcija,postali sunova estetikanaučnog inženjeringa. Manje je poznatoda jeAjfelova kulapoprvobitnomplanu trebalodabude izgrađenauBarseloni, zaSvetsku izložbu1888, ali je idejaodbačenakaosuviše skupa i čudna, pa je projekat prihvaćen za Svetsku izložbu 1889. uParizu, a svečano otvoren 6. maja te godine. Zahvaljujućimerama bezbednosti, na kojima jeGistavAjfel insistirao, tokomizgradnje život je izgubio samo jedan radnik, što je za ono vreme bio veliki uspeh. Hodaš pariskim pločnicima opijen i ošamućen, sve je čarobno – leva i desna obala, i muškatle, i Sena, i sve što vidiš oko sebe, ali tek kad ugledaš njene obrise u daljini, tek tada stvarno znaš – da si u Parizu You walk along the tiled walkways of Paris, intoxicated and besotted, with everything magical - the left and right banks and geraniums and the River Seine and everything you see around you, but it’s only when you see her contours in the distance that you really know that you’re in Paris The iron tower, the modern wonder of genius Gustave Ei el, celebrate the 130th anniversary of its opening this May, so we’re returning to that time, to the distant 1889, when France celebrated the hundredth anniversary of its revolution and Ei el gifted his child to Paris. A child that became a wonder, and which is actually the world’s most visited monument for whichentry is charged. But thatwasn’t the case in the beginning. Parisian artists, painters, poets and architects signed petitions against the monstrous tower, the iron beast, and protested “against the raising of an unnecessary, monstrous and embarrassingly ridiculous tower that would dominate Paris like a gigantic black chimney whosepresencewill undermine architecture...”, wroteartistswho includedGuydeMaupassant. In truth, he was the only one who remained consistent in his contempt for the tower, even when the opinions of many changed and it became a sensation. Maupassant continued dining at Ei el’s restaurant every day, because that was the only place from which he didn’t have to see the hated tower. And it really can Kad je Svetska izložba završena, nije bilo baš previše turista koji su bili zainteresovani za obilazak, pa je njeno rušenje bilo planirano za 1909. godinu. Međutim, u međuvremenu je na poslednji sprat postavljenameteorološka stanica, a korišćena je i za uspostavljanje telegrafske veze, što je bilo naročito korisno u vreme Prvog svetskog rata, kada su Francuzi uspeli da presretnu brojne nemačke poruke i čak uhapse čuvenu Matu Hari. Tako je kula preživela, da bi ponovo bila ugrožena kada su nacisti ušli u Pariz 1940. Francuzi su presekli sve kablove liftova na kuli kako bi neprijatelj morao da ide peške, a liftovi nisu popravljeni sve do 1946. Ipak, ne treba zaboraviti da je toranj spasao jedan Nemac, general Ditrih fon Holtic, koji je odbio Hitlerovu naredbu da ga sravni sa zemljom. Kula je tokom godina bila korisna za naučnike, obavljali su se razni eksperimenti, ostala je istorijski dokument o jednoj značajnoj etapi u industrijskom razvoju, ali i vitka silueta Pariza. Njegov simbol za sva vremena. be seen from all parts of Paris. Parisianartistswere, thus,mistaken, and the tower became a true symbol of the city and, with its then height of 300 metres, the tallest building in theworld (when an antenna was added much later it reached its current height of 324 metres), almost twice as tall as the then previous record holder, the Washington Monument obelisk. The tower was surpassed by NewYork’s Chrysler building in 1930 (319 m), and then also the EmpireStateBuilding (449m). However, the two vertical fused rail bridges representedby Eiffel’s construction became the new aesthetic of scienti c engineering. It is less known that the original plan was for the Ei el Tower to be constructed in Barcelona for the 1888 World Exhibition, but the idea was rejected as being too expensive and peculiar, so the project was accepted for the 1889World Exhibition in Paris andwas o cially unveiled on 6th May that year. Thanks to the securitymeasures insisted on by Gustave Ei el, only oneworker lost his life during the construction, which was a great success for the time. When theWorldExpositionended, there weren’t many tourists interested in touring the tower, so it was earmarked for demolition in 1909. However, ameteorological station was established on the top oor in the meantime, and it was also used to establish telegraph connections, which proved particularly useful during the period of World War I, when the French succeeded in intercepting numerous German messages and even capturing the famous Mata Hari. And thus the tower survived, only to be threatened again when the Nazis entered Paris in 1940.TheFrenchcut all lift cables on the tower, so that the enemy would have to climb on foot, and the lifts weren’t repaired until 1946. However, we shouldn’t forget that the tower was saved by a German, General Dietrich von Choltitz, who refused Hitler’s order to raze it to the ground. The tower has proved useful to science over the years, withvarious experiments carried out, and it remains as an historical document to an important stage of industrial development, but also the slim silhouette of Paris. Its symbol for all time.