
62 | / smatra da je u drugoj fazi sazreo u još boljeg umetnika. Bez opterećenja brojnih porudžbina, brušen životnim događanjima i emocijama, umetnik istražuje tančine svojih osećanja i svog slikarskog talenta i veštine. O tome svedoči slika poznata kao Jevrejska mlada, nastala oko 1665. Nanosi boje variraju od najtanjih mogućih do voluminoznih, koji skoro da izlaze u prostor van slike. U njih su detalji urezani nekonvencionalnim sredstvom – vrhomdrške slikarske četke! Svetlost, materija i boja sugerišu sjedinjavanje nekoliko aspekata ljubavi između dvoje ljudi. Kroz samo dve figure stari Rembrant pripoveda mnoge nijanse njihovih osećanja i svu dramu trenutka. cheeky, broke the conventions of the portrait of the epoch. In order to look into his eye, youmust look into the shadow, which masterly commands the viewer’s attention. The oldman looking at us in the 1661 self-portrait, with a facial expression that words can’t do justice in trying to explain, is an aged Rembrandt, weary and poor, who lost his beloved wife years before. ALL REMBRANDT’S HUMANS In 1642, when he completed The Night Watch, his most famous painting, Rembrandt was a husband and a father to a baby boy, a man at the peak of his artistic fame, recognition and financial well-being. The Night Watch, the original title of which is Militia Company of District II under the Command of Captain Frans Banninck Cocq, and which isn’t a night scene at all, but rather a day scene, is probably one of the best known paintings in the entire history of art. What sets it apart from other masterpieces on display at world museums is that, both on it and in front of it, humans – both viewers and those portrayed – move, talk, touch and giggle, both naturally and ceremonially. They are all Rembrandt’s humans. It was during the same year that he completed The Night Watch that Rembrandt’s beloved wife, Saskia, died. He would never be the same again. There was a period when he stopped painting and receiving commissions, and a period when he went through turbulent and tragic events with his lovers, losing his money and reputation. ALL REMBRANDT’S SORROWS Many art historians divide Rembrandt’sworks into theperiods before and after Saskia’s death. Many believe that he grew into a better artist during the second phase. Without the pressure of numerous commissions, chiselled by life’s hardships and emotions, the artist was exploring the ne nuances of his feelings and his artistic talent and skill. This is evident in the painting known as The Jewish Bride, c. 1665. The paint strokes go from the subtlest to the most voluminous, which almost burst out of the painting. The details were carved in amost unconventional way - using the tip of the paintbrush’s handle! The light, materialisation and colour suggest the unity of several kinds of love between the two people depicted. In just these two gures, the old Rembrandt tells us of somany nuances of their feelings and the entire drama of the moment. Mnogi stručnjaci dele Rembrantove radove na one nastale pre Saskijine smrti i posle nje Many art historians divide Rembrandt’s works into the periods before and after Saskia’s death The All the Rembrandts exhibition runs at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum until 10th June 2019 Izložba „Svi Rembranti“ u Rijksmuseumu u Amsterdamu otvorena je do 10. juna 2019.