
| 33 Nikola Jokić Sombor je grad u zapadnom delu Vojvodine, a nema pouzdanih istorijskih izvora o njegovom nastanku. Ipak, većina proučavalaca se slaže da je grad izrastao iz imanja ugarske porodice Cobor u 14. veku. Sport u tom gradu ima dugu istoriju jer su klubovi osnovani i sredinom 19. veka. Zgrada Bačko-bodroške županije jedna je od najlepših u Srbiji. Sombor is a city in thewestern part of the Province of Vojvodina. Despite there being no reliable historical record regarding its emergence, most researchers agree that the city“emerged”from the estate of the Hungarian Cobor family in the 14th century. Sport has a long history in this city, with clubs having been founded in themid 19 th century. The Bács-Bodrog County Building is one of Serbia’smost beautiful. Testifying to Jokić’s fame is a mural painte d in his honour on a wall of the Dositej Obradović Primar y School in Sombor, where this basketball ace was a pupi l. It is known that this tall center always conducts his individ ual preparations in his hometown, and last summer he was a ccompanied by the coach of the Denver Nuggets. “Sombor is my city, I feel at my best there. Nothing can replace Sombor,” says Jokić. O Jokićevoj slavi svedoči mural koji je u njego vu čast urađen na Osnovnoj školi Dositej Obradović, koju je košarkaš završio u Somboru. Poznato je da visoki centar indiv idualne pripreme uvek obavlja u rodnom gradu, a prošlog leta mu je društvo pravio i trener Denver Nagetsa. „Sombor je moj grad, tamo se osećam najbolje“. Ništa ne može da zameni Sombor – kaže Jokić. SOMBOR Boban Marjanović Boljevac je maleno naselje koje se nalazi podno planine Rtanj, pa sam grad živi od turizma i koristi se izuzetnim prirodnim potencijalom tog kraja. Grad je na istoku Srbije, u okviru Zaječarskog okruga, a svaki posetilac rado odlazi u Crkvu Svetog Ilije, kao i u Staru apsanu, koja je 1860. godine podignuta po naređenju Miloša Obrenovića, a danas pretvorena u muzej. Boljevac is a small settlement located in the foothills of Mount Rtanj, so the town itself survives from tourism and utilises the exceptional natural potential of this region. The town is located within Eastern Serbia’s Zaječar District, and every visitor is happy to tour the Church of St Ilija, but also the Old Apsana, which was built in 1860 at the behest of Miloš Obrenović and has today been converted into a museum. It was at the age of 27, in 2015, that Marjan ović became an honorary citizen of Boljevac, where he was bor n and took his rst steps in basketball with the Rtanj club. As a ll inhabitants of this region will testify, this 221-centimetretall center is a brand of this municipality and a trademark by which the town is recognised around the world. Marj anović currently plays for the Philadelphia 76ers, but the measurement unit of love for himhas always been his ho metown. Marjanović je sa 27 godina (2015) postao po časni građanin Boljevca, u kojem se rodio i napravio prve koša rkaške korake u KK Rtanj. Kako svedoče svi stanovnici tog kraja , 221 centimetar visoki centar je brend te opštine i znak raspoz navanja grada i u svetu. Marjanović trenutno nastupa za Filade lfiju Seventisikserse, ali mu je uvek merna jedinica ljubavi bila rodni grad. BOLJEVAC e e t a iStock / xbrchx iStock / Sasa Boskovic