
Stefan Jović Niš je najveći grad južne Srbije (treći po veličini u zemlji) i predstavlja veliku raskrsnicu Balkana. Poznat je od antičkih vremena pod nazivom Naisus i kao mesto rođenja Konstantina Velikog. Nišava i kej uz reku daju posebnu čar gradu, a srednjovekovni ambijent upotpunjava čuvena Tvrđava, koja je jedan od simbola grada. Na spisku nezaobilaznih atrakcija su i Ćele-kula, Kazandžijsko sokače i Rimska fontana. Niš is the largest city of Southern Serbia (the country’s third-largest) and represents amajor crossroads of the Balkan region. Known since its ancient times under the name Naissus, it is also known as the birthplace of Constantine the Great. The River Nišava and the quayside promenade running alongside it give this city special charm, while amedieval ambience is completed by the famous fortress that’s one of the symbols of the city. The list of must-see attractions is completedwith Skull Tower, Tinkers’ Alley and the Roman Fountain. Declared Niš’s best athlete back in 2014, h e’s never hidden his love for his hometown. He comes home whenever he can. A special event was always represented by matches at Niš’s Čair Arena, which has mostly hosted the Radiv oj Korać Cup in recent years, while this point guard is this s eason wearing the shirt of Bayern Munich. Još je 2014. godine proglašen za najboljeg sp ortistu Niša, a nikad nije skrivao ljubav prema rodnom gradu. Kada god je mogao, dolazio je svojoj kući. Pose bni događaj su uvek bile igre u niškom Čairu, u kojem se najčešće poslednjih godina igra Kup Radivoja Koraća, a plejmejker ove sezone nosi dres Bajerna iz Minhena. NIŠ Miroslav Raduljica Inđija se nalazi u Sremskom okrugu i jedna je od najrazvijenijih opština naše zemlje. Sam grad je počeo sa ubrzanim razvojem osnivanjem mlinova sredinom 19. veka, a na prostoru opštine nalaze se rimska i srednjovekovna utvrđenja, kao i spomenik čuvenoj Slankamenskoj bici. Grad je bio jedan od domaćina Univerzijade koja je održana jula 2009. godine. Inđija is located in the District of Sremand is among the country’smost developed municipalities. The city began its accelerated development with the establishment of mills in themid 19 th century, while the territory of the municipality includes the remains of Roman andmedieval forti cations, as well as amonument to the famous 1691 Battle of Slankamen. The city was one of the hosts of the 2009 Summer UniversiadeWorld Student Games. Testifying su ciently to how much this ta ll center means to the city where he was raised is the fact th at his name can most commonly be found alongside his superh ero moniker “The Pride of Inđjija”. Synonymous with nation al team success (he’s won four golds for junior categories and t hree silvers for the senior team), he’s among the players resp onsible for ensuring a good atmosphere among Serbia’s Eagle s. O tome koliko visoki centar znači gradu u ko jem je ponikao, dovoljno svedoči da uz njegovo ime najčešć e možete naći i gotovo superherojski nadimak Ponos Inđije. Sinonim je za reprezentativni uspeh (ima četiri zlata iz mlađi h kategorija i tri srebra u seniorskom timu), jedan od igrača k oji su zaduženi za dobru atmosferu među orlovima. INĐIJA iStock / DjordjeMustur 32 |