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Prvenstvo u brzom hodanju

Glavni grad Italije biće domaćin svetskog prvenstva u timskom

brzom hodanju 7. i 8. maja. Biće to četvrto svetsko takmičenje u

brzom hodanju koje se održava u Italiji. Međunarodna asocijacija

atletskih federacija (IAAF) u poslednjem trenutku je obezbedila

domaćina za takmičenje. Italija se nada da će tim gestom pridobiti

naklonost atletske asocijacije koja je vrlo uticajna u Međuna-

rodnom olimpijskom komitetu, za kandidaturu Rima za Letnje

olimpijske igre 2024.



Race walking championships

The Italian capital will host the World Race Walking Team

Championships on 7


and 8


May. This will be the fourth world

competition in race walking to be held in Italy. The International

Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) only secured a host

for the competition at the last moment. Italy hopes this gesture will

help it gain the support of this athletics association, which is very

influential in the International Olympic Committee, for Rome’s

candidacy to host the 2024 Summer Olympics.

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz Beograda za Moskvu

Air Serbia flies twice a day from Belgrade to Moscow

Er Srbija leti dnevno iz Beograda za Milano

Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Milan

Er Srbija leti dnevno iz Beograda za Rim

Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Rome



U moskovskom Muzeju multimedijalne umetnosti održava se

Fotobijenale 2016. Do jeseni će biti prikazano preko 60 izložbi ve-

likih svetskih imena fotografije kao što su Hiroši Sugimoto (izlo-

žba u toku – na snimku je njegov rad Hijena-šakal-sup iz 1980),

Osamu Šiihara, Sebastijan Salgado, Eni Lebovic, Kandida Hefer,

Jevgenij Graniljščikov, Stiv Fič, Gracijano Ariči, Oliver Kulman i

mnogi drugi. Na spisku se prepliću pioniri koji su fotografiju uzdi-

gli u umetnost i novi mladi talenti. Na prvom spratu Muzeja izlo-

ženi su snimci škotsko-ruskog snimatelja Vilijama Karika „Ruska

imperija: 1860–1870“, zadivljujući serijal o životu u carskoj Rusiji.




Moscow’s Museum of Multimedia Art is staging the 2016 Photo-

bienniale. By autumn over 60 exhibitions of major international

names of photography will have been shown, such as Hiroshi

Sugimoto (exhibition underway – pictured is his 1980 work

Hyena-Jackal-Vulture), Osamu Shiihara, Sebastião Salgado,

Annie Leibovitz, Candida Höfer, Evgeny Granilshchikov, Steve

Fitch, Graziano Arici, Oliver Culmann and many others. The

list intertwines pioneers who elevated the art of photography to

new heights and emerging young talent. On the first floor of the

Museum are exhibited the works of Scottish-Russian photogra-

pher William Carrick “Photos of the Russian Empire: 1860-1870”,

representing a stunning series depicting life in Tsarist Russia.


Restoran u zatvoru

U gradu na severu Italije otvoren je nesvakidašnji restoran koji

je svako veče pun elitnih gostiju. Restoran InGalera, kao što mu

ime kaže na italijanskom jeziku, smešten je u sklopu zatvora

u predgrađu Milana. Kuvari, šankeri i konobari su zatvorenici

osuđeni za teška krivična dela, a rad u restoranu je deo rehabi-

litacionog procesa. To gostima nimalo ne smeta, važno je da

je hrana prvoklasna. Ambijent je sveden (na fotografiji), a po

zidovima su izlepljeni plakati najpoznatijih svetskih filmova o

zatvorskim temama kao

Bekstvo iz Alkatraza


Zelena milja

. U

martu su sva mesta u restoranu bila popunjena.



Restaurant in the prison

An unusual restaurant has opened in this city in northern Italy

that is filled with elite guests each evening. The restaurant

InGalera, as its name suggests in Italian, is located within the

grounds of a prison in the suburbs of Milan. The cooks, barten-

ders and waiters are all prisoners convicted of serious crimes,

for whom working in the restaurant forms part of the rehabilita-

tion process. This does not bother the guests; what’s important

is that the food is first class. The restaurant has a minimalist

feel and the walls are plastered with posters of the world‘s most

famous films about prisons, such as „Escape from Alcatraz:

and „The Green Mile“. Every seat in the restaurant was filled in
