Elevate april2015 - page 10

Šta nosite sa
sobom u avion?
Selfie: What do
you take onboard?
Ručni prtljag
/ Cabin Baggage
U avion ne ulazim
bez torbe u kojoj kri-
jem sva blaga, samo
ženama znana. Iglu i
konac za ne daj bože,
kao i BUS PLUS
karticu – jer nikad se
ne zna gde kontrola
može da naiđe. Tu su
i obavezne slušalice,
jer bez muzike ne
mogu da zamislim
dan, a kamoli let!
I do not board
a plane without a
handbag in which I
hide every treasure
known only to women.
A needle and thread
for ”God forbid” situa-
tions, as well as a BUS
PLUS card – because
you never know where
a bus conductor could
show up. There are also
mandatory earphones,
because I cannot imag-
ine a daywithout music,
let alone a flight!
glumica / actress
Tumačila je glavne uloge u domaćim serijama
lipe na Balkanu
Vojna akademija
, i u hrvatskoj se-
Vatre ivanjske
koja se sada emituje u Hrvatskoj i
Bosni i Hercegovini, a uskoro stiže i u Srbiju.
Na filmu se pojavila u holandskom filmu
Nebo iz-
nad nas
, režisera Marinusa Grothofa, koji je premi-
jerno prikazan pre mesec dana na Festu, međuna-
rodnom filmskom festivalu, i u makedonskom filmu
The piano room
, režisera Igora Ivanova.
U pozorištu „Boško Buha“ igra u dve predstave,
od kojih je
Malog princ
a sama režirala. Bio je to
njen magistarski rad iz glume na beogradskom
Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti, a predstava je kasni-
je uvrštena u zvanični repertoar pozorišta.
She played the lead roles in the domestic series Cvat lipe na
Balkanu (Linden blossom in the Balkans) and Vojna akademija
(Military Academy), as well as the Croatian series Vatre ivanjske
(Midsummer Fire), which is currently being broadcast in Croatia
and Bosnia & Herzegovina and will be coming to Serbia soon.
She has also appeared on film in the Dutch movie
The Sky Above
, directed by Marinus Groothof, which premiered last month
at Belgrade’s FEST film festival, and in the Macedonian film
Piano Room
, directed by Igor Ivanov. She performs in two plays
at Belgrade’s Boško Buha Children’s Theatre, one of which is
Little Prince
, which she directs herself. That was also her acting
master’s thesis at the Belgrade Faculty of Dramatic Arts, with the
play later included on the theatre’s official repertoire.
Fotografija / Photography Vladimir Miloradović, Šminka / Make up: Aleksadnra Pavelkić
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