
ISSN 2466-4073 – septembar 2020. / September 2020 Air Serbia inflight magazine Đerdapska klisura / Đerdap Gorge NaGvozdenoj kapiji Balkana ON THE IRON GATES OF THE DANUBE VAŠ PRIMERAK YOUR COPY TO KEEP

DRAGO NAM JE DA SE PONOVO VIDIMO Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu: Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan. od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5. NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our Lounge is both safe and pleasant. from 5 AM to 6 PM every day in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5 Reč dobrodošlice Welcomemessage POSLOVICA KAŽE „AKO ŽELIŠ DA IDEŠ brzo, idi sam. Ako želiš da stigneš daleko, idi zajedno s nekim.“ U poslu, kao i u životu, izgradnja čvrstih obostrano korisnih partnerstava izuzetno je važna. Mnogo toga možemo sami, ali kada sarađujemo sa pouzdanim, kredibilnim partnerima, mogućnosti se multiplikuju, a naša mreža se širi i produbljuje. Avijacija je jedna od najglobalnijih industrija, ona povezuje ljude, kulture i poslove širom kontinenata. Mogućnosti za izgradnju partnerstava razmatramo imajući u vidu vaše interese – partnerstva između avio-kompanija omogućavaju pogodnost, fleksibilnost, veći broj ruta, bolja vremena poletanja i ponudu više kompanija, a sve u okviru jedne rezervacije. Prošlog meseca najavili smo naše partnerstvo sa Turkiš erlajnzom, proširujući našu poslovnu saradnju kod-šer sporazumom. Zahvaljujući kod-šeru između Istanbula i Beograda, oba partnera unaprediće svoju mrežnu povezanost i privući više putnika nego ranije. Osim partnerstva sa turskim nacionalnim avio-prevoznikom, Er Srbija sarađuje sa još 13 svetskih kompanija, čime svoju ukupnu mrežu – sačinjenu od redovnih, sezonskih i kod-šer ruta – povećava na više od 150 destinacija. Uprkos izazovnim vremenima na globalnom nivou sa kojima se svi suočavamo, u Er Srbiji težimo da stalno idemo napred. Bez obzira na to da li se radi o poslovnim putovanjima ili dugoočekivanom odmoru, činimo sve što je u našoj moći kako bismo vam obezbedili što više opcija. Tokom prošlog meseca obnovili smo čarter-letove za Egipat, jednu od trenutno najpopularnijih destinacija za letovanje naših putnika. Ponovo smo uspostavili i vezu sa Crnogorskim primorjem, pa sa nama možete leteti iz Beograda i Niša do Tivta, a povezali smo i dve prestonice, srpsku i crnogorsku. Iz lične perspektive, mislim da kada birate željenu destinaciju, uvek treba da na umu imate Srbiju. Ona ima ponešto za svakoga, od živahnih gradskih atrakcija, fenomenalne arhitekture, do tihih i mirnih varošica i sela usred veličanstvene prirode. Uvek treba da cenimo ono što je neposredno oko nas, posebno u ovim izazovnim vremenima. U ovom broju predstavljamo prirodne lepote i tradiciju Srbije, kao i priče o našem glavnom gradu, Beogradu. Nadam se da ćete iskoristiti priliku da uživate u prelepoj srpskoj prirodi, ukusnoj hrani i fantastičnom gostoprimstvu. Uživajte u letu i srećan put, “IF YOUWANT TO GO FAST, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” In business, like in life, building strong, mutually beneficial partnerships is extremely important. We can do a lot alone, but by working with reliable, credible partners, opportunities multiply and our network expands in breadth and depth. Aviation is one of the most “global” industries, connecting people, cultures and businesses across continents. We look at partnership opportunities from your perspective - airline partnerships provide you, the passenger, with convenience, flexibility, more routes and more times, as well as the offers of multiple airlines all through a single booking. Last month we announced our partnership with Turkish Airlines, expanding our business cooperation through a codeshare agreement. Thanks to this codeshare between Istanbul and Belgrade, both partners can improve their own network connectivity and attract more customers than before. In addition to the partnership with the Turkish national carrier, Air Serbia also cooperates with another 13 international companies, increasing its total network – comprising scheduled, seasonal and codeshare routes – to more than 150 destinations. Despite the challenging times facing us all globally, we at Air Serbia strive to keep moving forward. Regardless of whether you’re heading on a business trip or a long-awaited break, we do all we can to give you as many options as possible. Last month we recommenced charter flights to Egypt, which is currently one of the most popular summer destinations among our passengers. We have also recommenced flights to the Montenegrin coast, so you can fly with us from Belgrade and Niš to Tivat, as well as connecting the two capitals of Belgrade and Podgorica. From a personal perspective, you should look no further than Serbia as a destination of choice. It has something for everyone, from lively urban attractions and phenomenal architecture, to calm and peaceful towns and villages that dot the magnificent landscape. We should always appreciate what is around us, especially during these challenging times. In this issue we present the natural beauty and tradition of Serbia, as well as stories about our capital, Belgrade. I do hope that you take the opportunity to experience its beautiful nature, delicious food and fantastic hospitality. Enjoy your flight and have a good trip, DANKAN NEJSMIT GENERALNI DIREKTOR ER SRBIJE DUNCAN NAYSMITH, AIR SERBIA CEO Dragi putnici, Dear passengers, Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia Kada birate željenu destinaciju, uvek treba da na umu imate Srbiju You should look no further than Serbia as a destination of choice

6 | Sadržaj » Contents Sadržaj Contents U FOKUSU IN FOCUS 8. Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajnz zajedno između Beograda i Istanbula / Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines united between Belgrade and İstanbul DOBRODOŠLI U... WELCOME TO... 10. Tivat: Gotovo 60.000 sedišta na linijama između Srbije i Crne Gore / Tivat: Almost 60,000 seats available on flights between Serbia and Montenegro NA LETU ON BOARD 12. Putujemo sa glumcem MimomKaradžićem / We travel with actor Mima Karadžić PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 15. Turska: Zemlja zanosne lepote / Turkey: Land of enchanting beauty INTERVJU INTERVIEW 26. Nemanja Radulović: Mocart kao lek za sve / Nemanja Radulović: Mozart as a cure for everything KULTURA CULTURE 30. Svetlana Cemin i Elsa Kremser na Beldoksu / Svetlana Cemin & Elsa Kremser on Beldocs 40. Dejan Cukić: Priča o Eltonu Džonu / Dejan Cukić: An Elton John story ER SRBIJA VESTI AIR SERBIA NEWS 44. Er Srbija i heroji iz senke: Kapetan Aleksandar Jovanović / Air Serbia and heroes from the shadows: Captain Aleksandar Jovanović 48. U 2019. ostvaren profit od 9,5miliona evra / Profits of €9.5 million delivered in 2019 RITAMBEOGRADA RHYTHMOF BELGRADE 52. Junaci iz srca grada / Heroes at the heart of Belgrade 56. Avala, najlepši vidikovac Beograda / Avala, Belgrade’s most beautiful observation point MODA FASHION 58. Trendovi: Šta ćemo nositi ove jeseni i zime?/ Trends: What will we wear this coming autumn and winter? 60. Boginje u ručno tkanom platnu: Tako to radi Dior / Goddesses in hand-woven linen: That‘s how it‘s done by Dior 63. Suptilna modna manipulacija: Da, i na jesen se nosi belo/ Subtle fashion manipulation: Yes, white is also worn in autumn

Contents » Sadržaj | 7 Broj / Issue No. 319 Naslovna strana / Cover Andrej Isaković The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SRID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 ©Air Serbia All rights reserved Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije/ Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik/ Design and layout editor AleksaVasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout BrankoMitrović, IvanDžaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotogra je / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotogra je / Photography Mitar Mitrović, Vladimir Živojinović, Đorđe Kojadinović, Andrej Isaković Foto agencije / Photo agencies Pro media, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevodna engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive AdvertisingManager, Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotogra ka Subotica Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 96. Istanbul: Sneg, lale i… mačke / stanbul: Snow, tulips and… cats 98. Berlin i Festival svetla: Zajedno, mi sijamo / Berlin and the Festival of Lights: Together we shine 100. Crna Gora: Od tihog Skadra do vožnje među oblacima / Montenegro: From the silent Skadar to riding among the clouds SPORT SPORTS 104. E-sport: Nova sportska stvarnost / E-sports: New sporting reality LAJFSTAJL LIFESTYLE 70. Moja kancelarija, moja pravila / My office, my rules 76. Vaše malo za planetu je mnogo / Your little effort means a lot for the planet FENOMEN PHENOMENA 82. Tejlor Svift je muzička industrija / Taylor Swift is a music industry 84. Tajna misteriozne markice / The secret of the mysterious stamp RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHMOF SERBIA 86. Đerdapska klisura: Na Gvozdenoj kapiji Dunava / Đerdap Gorge: On the Iron Gates of the Danube 92. Srpski Holivud na Rudniku / The Serbian Hollywood on Rudnik Broj / Issue No. 319 – septembar 2020. / September 2020 ISSN 2466-4073 – septembar 2020. / September 2020 Air Serbia inflight magazine Đerdapska klisura / Đerdap Gorge NaGvozdenoj kapiji Balkana ON THE IRON GATES OF THE DANUBE VAŠ PRIMERAK YOUR COPY TO KEEP Prelepi Đerdap / Beautiful Đerdap Foto / Photo: Andrej Isaković

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia U fokusu In focus Nove linije Osim linije Beograd–Istanbul, saradnja dveju kompanija biće proširena i na sledeće letove: IZ BEOGRADA IZ ISTANBULA Banjaluka Ankara Kajseri Tivat Izmir Konija Adana Trabzon Antalija Gazipaša Dalaman Bodrum Gazijantep SPORAZUM O USPOSTAVL JANJU KOD ŠER L E TOVA ER SRBIJA I TURKIŠ ERLAJNZ ZAJEDNO IZMEĐU BEOGRADA I ISTANBULA Srpski nacionalni avio-prevoznik i nacionalna avio-kompanija Turske postigli su sporazum o proširenju poslovne saradnje kod-šer ugovorom koji će pokrivati destinacije iz saobraćajnih mreža obe kompanije UNAPREĐENJEMPARTNERSTVA ER SRBIJA I TURKIŠ erlajnz dodali su od 15. avgusta sopstvenu oznaku za let (marketing kod) na letove drugog partnera na relaciji Beograd–Istanbul. Zahvaljujući proširenom ugovoru o saradnji, putnici iz Beograda će na raspolaganju imati najbolju ponudu za putovanje u Istanbul, jedan od najvećih turističkih i saobraćajnih centara na svetu, a preko njega i do drugih, daljih destinacija, dok će zajednički letovi takođe nuditi brze i dobre veze putnicima koji iz Istanbula putuju u Beograd i druge gradove. – Veoma smo zadovoljni razvojem saradnje sa Turkiš erlajnzom kroz ovo kod-šer partnerstvo koje će putnicima obe kompanije omogućiti veći izbor i fleksibilnost prilikom planiranja putovanja. Uvereni smo da će ovo inspirativno i strateški važno partnerstvo unaprediti ekonomske odnose dveju zemalja. Sa velikim zadovoljstvom iščekujemo putnike partnerske kompanije Turkiš erlajnz na našim letovima ka Beogradu i drugim gradovima koje obuhvata saobraćajna mreža Er Srbije – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor komercijale i strategije Er Srbije. Saobraćajna mreža Turkiš erlajnza, koja obuhvata više zemalja i inostranih destinacija od bilo koje druge avio-kompanije na svetu, trenutno opslužuje više od 300 putničkih i robnih destinacija u 127 zemalja. Od svog osnivanja 1927. godine, Er Srbija je lider u vazdušnom prevozu u jugoistočnoj Evropi. Tokom 2019. godine Er Srbija je uvela 23 nove destinacije širom Evrope i Afrike, koje opslužuje iz tri saobraćajna centra u Srbiji. New routes Cooperation will be strengthened by adding the following flights, in addition to the Istanbul-Belgrade route: FROMBELGRADE FROM ISTANBUL Banja Luka Ankara Kayseri Tivat İzmir Konya Adana Trabzon Antalya Gazipaşa Dalaman Bodrum Gaziantep

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9 Putnici ćemoći da uživaju u svim prednostima dobre povezanosti na matičnimaerodromima obeju kompanija The agreement will allow passengers of both airlines to enjoy seamless connectivity in their respective hubs AGR E EMENT TO L AUNCH CODESHAR E F L I GH TS AIR SERBIA AND TURKISH AIRLINES TOGETHER BETWEEN BELGRADE AND İSTANBUL Serbia’s largest airline and flag carrier has reached a mutual agreement with Turkey’s national flag carrier on enhancing their commercial cooperation with a codeshare agreement extending to destinations from the networks of both Turkish Airlines and Air Serbia THROUGH THEIR ENHANCED PARTNERSHIP, TURKISH AIRLINES and Air Serbia have been able to reciprocally place their own flight codes on each other’s flights between Istanbul and Belgrade v.v. since 15th August. Thanks to this enhanced agreement, while passengers departing from Belgrade will have an unmatched opportunity to reach Istanbul, one of the world’s biggest metropolises and aviation hubs, and beyond, the joint flights will also offer fast and convenient connections to customers departing from İstanbul bound for Belgrade and beyond. “We are glad to have developed our cooperation with Turkish Airlines through this codeshare partnership, which will provide passengers of both companies with more choice and flexibility in organising their travels. We are sure that this exciting and strategically very important partnership will improve economic relations between our countries. We are delighted to have the opportunity to host Turkish Airlines’ passengers on our flights to Belgrade, as well as to other Air Serbia destinations,” said Air Serbia General Manager Commercial and Strategy Jiri Marek. Turkish Airlines, which flies to more countries and international destinations than any other airline in the world, currently operates flights to a total of more than 300 passenger and cargo destinations in 127 countries. Air Serbia has been a leader of air travel in the region of Southeast Europe since the establishment of the company’s direct predecessor in 1927. Operating from its three hubs in Serbia, Air Serbia launched flights to 23 new destinations throughout Europe and Africa during 2019.

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Dobrodošli Welcome Tivat Gotovo 60.000 sedišta na linijama između Srbije i Crne Gore „Veoma sam zadovoljan što su se stekli uslovi za ponovno uspostavljanje avio-saobraćaja do Tivta i Podgorice. Planirano je da naši putnici do kraja letnje sezone imaju na raspolaganju gotovo 60.000 sedišta na linijama između Srbije i Crne Gore“, izjavio je Dankan Nejsmit, generalni direktor Er Srbije.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11 Er Srbija je od 21. avgusta ponovo uspostavila i letove između Niša i Tivta. Letovi se obavljaju dva puta nedeljno, petkom i nedeljom, do 20. septembra Air Serbia recommenced flights between Niš and Tivat from 21th August. Flights are operating twice a week, on Fridays and Sundays, until 20th September ALMOST 60,000 SEATS AVAILABLE ON FLIGHTS BETWEEN SERBIA ANDMONTENEGRO “I am very pleased that conditions for resuming flights to Tivat and Podgorica have been met. It is planned for our passengers to have almost 60,000 seats available to them on flights between Serbia and Montenegro until the end of the summer season,” Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith stated. According to the current flight schedule, it is planned that Air Serbiawill fly to Podgorica up to 15 times aweek. When it comes to Tivat, it is planned for the national airline to have up to 16weekly flights Prema trenutnomredu letenja, planirano je da Er Srbija ka Podgorici saobraća do 15 puta nedeljno. Na liniji do Tivta planirano je da nacionalni avioprevoznik leti do 16 puta nedeljno iStock / cookelma

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Na letu On board MIMA KARADŽIĆ, GLUMAC MIMA KARADŽIĆ, ACTOR Letim kao da sam stjuardesa! I fly like I’ma flight attendant The plane today offers brilliant opportunities to be in Belgrade in the morning andwherever you want to be in the afternoon. I’ve certainly circumnavigated the globe twice; at one point I hadmore flights than some flight attendants. Avion danas pruža sjajnemogućnosti da budeš pre podne u Beogradu, a po podne gde god želiš. Ja sam sigurno dva puta obišao zemaljsku kuglu, jedno vreme sam imao više letova nego neka stjuardesa Uvek nosim naočare za čitanje iz očiglednih razloga I always carry reading glasses for obvious reasons Nikad nisambez kreditnih kartica jer u fri-šopu obavezno kupujem dobre cigare ili piće, poklone mnogobrojnim prijateljima i damama I’m never without my credit cards, because it’s mandatory for me to buy good cigarettes or drinks from the duty free shop, as gifts for many friends and ladies Tablet je nešto bez čega ne idem jer volim da sam u toku, da prelistamdogađaje A tablet is something I don’t travel without, because I like to be informed, to scroll through events 3 Nosim scenario koji trenutno radim, da se malo podsetim i da se ne opustimpreviše I carry some script I’m currently working on, to remind myself a bit, and not to relax excessively Dobru knjigu takođe volimda ponesem, nešto što se lepo i lako čita I also like to carry a good book, something that’s nice and easy reading 4 5 Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography Vladimir Živojinović 2 1

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13 Milutin Mima Karadžić je pozorišni, televizijski i filmski glumac i producent. Odigrao je brojne uloge u pozorištu, na filmu i u brojnim TV serijama. Bio je stalni član Ateljea 212, ali je to mesto napustio zbog producentskih voda u koje se otisnuo Milutin Mima Karadžić is a theatre, television and film actor and producer. He has performed numerous roles, both in theatre and on film, but also in numerous TV series. He was a permanent member of Atelier 212 Theatre, but he abandoned that position to pursue a career in production

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia NASLEĐE HER I TAGE 1978. Legendarna JAT-ova grdosija Kad je JAT 1978. godine kupio prvi širokotrupni avion daglas DC 10-30 koji je mogao da primi za ono vreme neverovatnih 380 putnika, na aerodromu u Surčinu danima su se skupljali znatiželjnici da vide kako sleće i poleće ta grdosija. Bila je to prvorazredna senzacija, a JAT je postao jedina kompanija iz neke socijalističke zemlje koja se mogla pohvaliti takvim tipom aviona. Prvi DC-10 svečano je dočekan u Beogradu u decembru 1978. godine i kršten je imenomNikole Tesle. Zbog svog kapaciteta, kao i doleta avioni DC-10 korišćeni su za interkontinentalne letove. Po dnevnom naletu aviona tipa DC-10 JAT je 1990. godine bio apsolutni rekorder u Evropi. JAT’S LEGENDARY GARGANTUAN When JAT bought its first wide-body Douglas DC 10-30 aircraft in 1978, which could at the time accommodate the unbelievable total of 380 passengers, curious people gathered for days at the Surčin Airport to see how this gargantuan aircraft took off and landed. It was a first-class sensation, and JAT became the only company from any socialist country to be able to boast of having such an aircraft. The first DC-10 was officially welcomed to Belgrade in December 1978, and was christened with the name of Nikola Tesla. Due to its capacity and range, DC-10 aircraft were used for intercontinental flights. According to the daily flight times of DC-10 planes, in 1990 it was the absolute record holder in Europe. Four DC-10-30s in JAT’s fleet flew 13.22 hours every day Četiri DC-10-30 u floti letela su po 13,22 sata svakog dana

smarttravel Zemlja zanosne lepote Land of enchanting beauty Turska je zemlja sa 7.200 kilometara dugom obalom, pa nije iznenađenje što je milioni turista iz celog sveta posećuju svake godine kako bi mogli da uživaju u vrhunskoj mešavini kulture, istorije i plaža. U Turskoj postoji više od 450 plaža koje su odlikovane plavom zastavicom, a u njihovoj pozadini poređani su luksuzni hoteli i rizorti sa pet zvezdica, kao i mnogobrojna mala, idilična sela iznad kojih se uzdižu planine sa čudesnim borovim šumama. Turkey is a country with 7,200 kilometres of coastline, so it should come as no surprise that it’s visited annually by millions of tourists from all over the world seeking enjoyment in a superb fusion of culture, history and beaches. More than 450 Turkish beaches are classed as Blue Flag beaches, and behind them are rows of luxury 5-star hotels and resorts, but also numerous small, idyllic villages located beneath mountains adorned with wondrous pine forests. TURSKA / TURKEY iStock / den-belitsky

16 | Destinacija » Destination smarttravel me scan ANTALIJA / ANTALYA 112min TRAJANJE LETA FLIGHT DURATION Antalija je jedno od najposećenijih letovališta južne Turske, koje krase duge, peščane plaže, tirkizno more i luksuzni hoteli / Antalya, one of the most visited tourist resorts in southern Turkey, is adorned with long, sandy beaches, turquoise waters and luxury hotels Savršen dan na suncu Jedna od glavnih plaža u Antaliji, Konjalti, ima sve što je potrebno. Proteže se između krečnjačkih litica i impozantnih padina planine Bej Daglari, prekrivena je sitnim šljunkom i nudi obilje sadržaja za zabavu na vodi, sjajan pogled i turističke objekte svetske klase. Tu ćete naći dosta prostora, s obzirom na to da se plaža proteže kilometrima, što znači da ćete uvek imati svoj mali deo peska. Takođe, u okolnim selima ima dosta restorana i kafića koje uglavnom posećuju meštani, a obližnja promenada koja ide uz more odlična je za laganu večernju šetnju. Perfect day in the sun Konyaalti Beach, one of the main beaches in Antalya, has everything you need. Stretching between limestone cliffs and the imposing slopes of the Beydağları Mountains, this beach of fine pebbles offers plenty of options in terms of water fun, great views and world-class tourist facilities. You’ll find plenty of space here, given that the beach stretches for kilometres - meaning that you will always have your own little piece of sand. Moreover, the surrounding villages have plenty of restaurants and café-bars that are mostly frequented by locals, while the nearby promenade extending beside the sea is excellent for a light evening stroll. iStock / ihsanyildizli iStock / AegeanBlue iStock / engineervoshkin

Destination » Destinacija | 17 smarttravel me scan KEMER / KEMER 43 km UDALJENOST OD ANTALIJE DISTANCE FROM ANTALYA Cirali, skriveni dragulj rivijere Oko sat vožnje od Antalije nalazi se skriveni dragulj turske rivijere – plaža Cirali, okružena blistavim plavim vodama i spektakularnim planinskim pejzažima. Nedaleko od plaže nalaze se ruševine likijskog drevnog grada Olimposa, u podnožju planine Tahtali Dagi, iznad kojih se uzdižu večiti plamenovi Himere. Plaža Cirali, prekrivena šljunkom i duga oko tri kilometra, oduševiće sve ljubitelje kupanja, plivanja i istorije, kao i sve one koji žele da se opuste u prekrasnom okruženju netaknute prirode. Çırali, hidden gem of the Riviera About an hour’s drive from Antalya is a hidden gem of the Turkish Riviera - Çırali Beach, surrounded by sparkling blue waters and spectacular mountain scenery. In close proximity to the beach are the ruins of the ancient Lycian city of Olympus, at the foot of Tahtali Dağı Mountain, above which rise the eternal flames of Chimera. Çırali is a pebble beach that’s about three kilometres long. It will delight all lovers of bathing, swimming and history, and all those seeking relaxation in a beautiful and untouched natural environment. Kemer ima obalu koja je dugačka 52 kilometra, netaknutu prirodu i gustu borovu šumu / Kemer has a 52-kilometre-long coastline, pristine nature and a dense pine forest iStock / sonertuncer iStock / SeeVera

18 | Destinacija » Destination smarttravel me scan SIDE / SIDE 75 km UDALJENOST OD ANTALIJE DISTANCE FROM ANTALYA Doživite neverovatan spoj antičke i moderne Turske u ovomgradu / Experience an amazing fusion of ancient and modern Turkey in this city Pesak, vodopad i Apolon Najstariji amfiteatar, Apolonov hram, vodopadi, peščane plaže… Na obali Sredozemnog mora, 75 kilometara od Antalije, nalazi se Side. Grad nara. Tu se more, planine i šume prelivaju i mešaju kao retko gde. Side je najpoznatiji po svojim peščanim plažama koje okružuju celo poluostrvo: Istočnoj i Zapadnoj. Obavezno posetite amfiteatar koji datira iz helenističkog perioda, rimski hram Apolona i Artemide, gradske kapije, akvadukte i muzeje. Dva kilometra od Sidea, okruženi poljima čaja, nalaze se vodopadi Manavgat, koji su prelep prizor. Sand, waterfall and Apollo The oldest amphitheatre, the Temple of Apollo, waterfalls, sandy beaches… On the shores of the Mediterranean, 75 kilometres from Antalya, is Side, the City of Pomegranates. Here, the sea, mountains and forests overlap and blend like in few other places. Side is most renowned for the sandy beaches that surround its entire peninsula: East and West. Make sure you visit the amphitheatre, which dates back to the Hellenistic period, the Roman temple of Apollo and Artemis and the city’s gates, aqueducts and museums. Just two kilometres from Side, surrounded by fields of tea, is the Manavgat Waterfall, which is a beautiful sight. iStock / Patryk_Kosmider iStock / pius99 iStock / Cobalt88

Destination » Destinacija | 19 smarttravel me scan ALANJA / ALANYA 134 km UDALJENOST OD ANTALIJE DISTANCE FROM ANTALYA Lepotica Kleopatra Plaža Kleopatra u Alanji smatra se jednom od najlepših plaža na teritoriji cele Turske. Duga je oko 3,5 kilometara, a karakterišu je sitan pesak, tirkiznozelena voda, kao i veliki talasi, koji vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. U neposrednoj blizini nalazi se i najveća znamenitost Alanje – zamak, srednjovekovna građevina iz 13. veka, koja je pod zaštitom Uneska. Sama obala je lepo uređena, prepuna cveća, prodavnica i restorana, gde možete probati turske specijalite. Tu su i neizostavne poslastičarnice, gde ljubitelji slatkiša imaju izvrstan izbor orijentalnih poslastica. The beauty of Cleopatra Alanya’s Cleopatra Beach is considered one of the most beautiful beaches anywhere in Turkey. About 3.5 kilometres long, it is characterised by fine sand and turquoise green waters, but also huge waves that won’t leave you feeling indifferent. In the immediate vicinity is Alanya’s biggest attraction – its castle, a medieval building dating back to the 13th century that’s under UNESCO protection. The periphery of the beach itself is beautifully landscaped, filled with flowers, shops and restaurants offering top Turkish specialities. There are also the unavoidable pastry shops, where cake lovers have an excellent choice of oriental sweets. Kraljica Egipta naterala je Marka Antonija da joj pokloni Alanju, a on joj je dopremio pesak iz Egipta, pa je tako, navodno, nastala Kleopatrina plaža / The Queen of Egypt compelled Mark Antony to gift her Alanya, and he brought her sand from Egypt, which is allegedly howCleopatra’s beach was created iStock / evp82 iStock / yulenochekk

20 | Scena » Scene Scene Scena

Scene » Scena | 21 Drvo duginih boja Ova slika izgleda kao umetničko delo, ali zapravo pokazuje neverovatnu koru izvanrednog drveta. Kada drvo eukaliptusa duge baci svoju spoljnu koru, ispod njih se otkrivaju neverovatne i potpuno prirodne boje. Šume eukaliptusa šarenih stabala i grana mogu se videti u tropskim predelima Indonezije, Nove Gvineje i Filipina. Dugini eukaliptusi mogu da narastu do čak 75 metara visine, a osim intenzivne boje, još jedna njihova specifičnost je i osvežavajući miris koji podseća na miris bora, nane i meda. Različite šare su poput otiska prsta, pa svako stablo ima autentičan izgled. Šuma je specifična i po tome što je otrovna, pa se u njoj ne treba zadržavati. RAINBOW COLOURED TREES This image resembles a work of fine art, but it actually shows the unbelievable bark of an exceptional tree. When the rainbow eucalyptus tree sheds its outer bark, revealed beneath are completely natural colours. Eucalyptus forests with their multicoloured trunks and branches can be seen in the tropical regions of Indonesia, Papua NewGuinea and the Philippines. The rainbow eucalyptus tree can grow to as high as 75 metres, and apart from its distinctive colouring, another of its specificities is a refreshing scent that’s reminiscent of the combined scents of pine, mint and honey. The variety of patterns are like fingerprints, ensuring that every tree has its own unique appearance. This forest is also specific due to the fact that it is poisonous, so you shouldn’t linger. here too long. Fotografije / Photography:

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Razglednica/Postcard LJUBLJANA LJUBLJANA Biblioteka pod krošnjama Slovenci su strastveni čitaoci knjiga na svom jeziku, ali i na engleskom i nemačkom, i godišnje iz biblioteka pozajme oko 25 miliona knjiga, što ih svrstava u sam vrh evropske statistike. Sad su došli na originalnu ideju, pa je u Ljubljani na više mesta otvorena Biblioteka pod krošnjama. Posetioci imaju mogućnost da besplatno pozajmljuju knjige, stripove, časopise i magazine na različitim jezicima i uživaju u čitanju u senci drveća. Biblioteke na otvorenom nalaze se u parkovima Tivoli i Zvezda, kod botaničke bašte, Pionirskog doma i u atrijumu Galerije Škuc. LIBRARY UNDER THE TREETOPS Slovenes are passionate readers of books, both in their own language and also in English and German, and they borrow an average of 25 million books a year from libraries, ranking them at the very top of European statistics. Now they have come up with an original idea resulting in the Library under the treetops opening at several locations in Ljubljana. Visitors have the opportunity to borrow books, comics, magazines and journals in different languages free of charge, and to enjoy reading in the shade of trees. These open-air libraries are located in Tivoli and Zvezda park, at the Botanical Gardens, Pioneer House and in the atrium of Škuc Gallery. TIVAT TIVAT Upoznajte tivatske ptice Između aerodroma Tivat i poluostrva Luštica nalazi se jedinstven ptičji rezervat Tivatska solila. Mesto gde se nekada skupljala skupocena so danas je zaštićeno područje i privremeni dom za 114 vrsta ptica. U prvom florističko-faunističkom rezervatu prirode u Crnoj Gori posetioci mogu da vide patke, čaplje, flamingose, sove, vodomare, crne ibise, kao i razne gmizavce, poput najmanje žabe gatalinke. Na više mesta u rezervatu postoje osmatračnice, a osim zbog ptica, turisti sve češće dolaze da bi uživali u netaknutoj prirodi. MEET THE BIRDS OF TIVAT The unique Tivat Solila bird reserve is situated between Tivat Airport and the Luštica peninsula. Once a source of precious salt, today it is a protected area and the temporary home of 114 species of birds. In this first nature reserve of flora and fauna in Montenegro, visitors can see ducks, herons, flamingos, owls, waterfowl, black ibises and various reptiles, such as the tiny Gatalinka tree frogs. There are observation points at several places within the reserve, and apart from just spotting birds, tourists increasingly visit to enjoy the reserve’s pristine nature. PRAG PRAGUE Zlatna ulica i broj 22 Zlatna ulica nalazi se kod praškog dvorca i prepoznatljiva je po šarenim živopisnim kućicama, a ime je dobila po zlatarima, koji su upravo u toj ulici imali svoje radnje. U jednoj od kućica, pod brojem 22, nekada je živeo pisac Franc Kafka, a nakon njega u ulicu se doselio Jaroslav Sajfert, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za književnost 1984. Pridružite se mnoštvu radoznalih turista koji u toj ulici pokušavaju da snime savršenu fotografiju za Instagram i nahrane dušu dobrom pričom o životu imućnih zlatara i poznatih književnika. GOLDEN LANE AND NUMBER 22 Prague’s Golden Lane is located near the city’s castle and is recognisable due to its colourful, picturesque houses, while it was named after the goldsmiths who had their workshops in this street. One of the houses, at number 22, used to be the home of writer Franz Kafka, and moving to the street after him was Nobel laureate Jaroslav Seifert, who won the 1984 Nobel Prize for Literature. Join the masses of curious tourists who try to shoot the perfect Instagram photo on this street and feed your soul with a good story about the lives of wealthy goldsmiths and famous writers. iStock / xbrchx iStock / Nastasic iStock / QQ7

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23 KOPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN Park iz 19. veka Posetiti dansku prestonicu, a ne videti zabavni park Tivoli vrtovi ravno je grehu. Park je otvoren davne 1843. i drugi je najstariji zabavni park na svetu, a poznat je po drvenom rolerkosteru, izgrađenom pre više od jednog veka koji i danas radi. Neke vožnje u parku su spore i pružaju vammogućnost da uživate u pogledu na prelepe vrtove, dok druge ispunjavaju sva očekivanja onih koji traže uzbuđenje, kao na primer vožnja Vertigo, koja će vas okrenuti naglavačke pri brzini od 100 kilometara na čas. PARK FROM THE 19TH CENTURY Visiting the Danish capital and not seeing Tivoli Gardens amusement park is tantamount to a sin. The park was opened way back in 1843 and is the world’s second oldest amusement park, known for its wooden roller coaster that was built more than a century ago and still operates today. Some rides in the park are slow and provide the opportunity to enjoy the views of the beautiful gardens, while others fulfil all the expectations of those seeking excitement, such as the “Vertigo” ride, which will turn you upside down at a speed of 100 km/h. SPLIT SPLIT Teatar pod zvezdama Do 20. septembra Split će na tvrđavi Gripe biti domaćin festivala Teatar pod zvezdama, koji će se održati uz poštovanje svih epidemioloških mera. Posetioci će imati priliku da vide deset raznovrsnih programa, poput komedija Vla-vla-vlajland, Ne daj se, Njofra, Udavače, a najmlađe očekuje jedinstven dečji mjuzikl Mi o vuku. Na ovogodišnji festival u Splitu dolaze i Tomislav Bralić i klapa Intrade, koji slave 35 godina postojanja, kao i mlada splitska zvezda Uršula Najev, koja će se publici predstaviti u novom svetlu kroz muzički opus Ejmi Vajnhaus. THEATRE UNDER THE STARS Split’s Gripe Fortress is hosting the “Theatre Under the Stars” festival until 20th September, which will be held while complying with all epidemiological protection measures. Visitors will have an opportunity to see ten diverse programs, such as the comedies Vla vla vlajland, Ne daj se Njofra, and Udavače, while the youngest visitors are awaited by the unique children’s musical Mi o vuku. Arriving in Split to participate in this year’s festival are Tomislav Bralić and the klapa “Intrade”, who are celebrating 35 years of their existence, as well as young star from Split Uršula Najev, who will present herself to the audience in a new light through the musical opus of Amy Winehouse. CIRIH ZURICH Art vikend Polovinom septembra svet umetnosti preseliće se u Cirih, a povod je trodnevni Art vikend, važan događaj savremene umetnosti. Tako će od 11. do 13. septembra svoja vrata otvoriti više od 30 javnih i privatnih galerija, a biće organizovani obilasci postavki i predavanja sa kustosima i umetnicima s ciljem da se predstavi umetnička scena Ciriha. Organizatori su najavili da i ove godine očekuju dobar odziv ljubitelja umetnosti, koji će posle pauze zbog pandemije najzad moći da na licu mesta razmene ideje i predstave dela. ART WEEKEND The art world relocates to Zurich in mid-September, on the occasion of the three-day “Art Weekend”, which is an important contemporary art event. More than 30 public and private galleries will open their doors from 11th to 13th September, while exhibition tours and lectures of curators and artists will be organised with the aim of presenting the Zurich art scene. Organisers have announced that they expect a good response again this year from art lovers, who – after the break imposed by the pandemic – will finally be able to once again exchange ideas and present works on the spot. Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography:, iStock iStock / holgs iStock / AleksandarGeorgiev iStock / Roland Magnusson

24 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates POSLE VIŠE OD JEDNOG VEKA PROUČAVA NJA NAUČNICI OTKRIVAJU fascinantan svet srednjeg i poznog neolita. Samo na teritoriji Srbije postoji više od 600 naselja ove kulture, u kojoj su prosto cvetali trgovina, inovacije i potpuno nova, do tada neviđena forma društvene organizacije. Zato vinčansku kulturu nazivaju prvim modernim dobom. Po čemu su vinčanci bili toliko jedinstveni? – Kada je početkom 20. veka profesor Miloje Vasić de nisao novu kulturu koja se odlikovala vrhunskim umetničko-zanatskim artefaktima, nije mogao ni da sanja koliko će njegovo otkriće biti značajno. Lord Kolin Renfru, jedan od najznačajnijih živih arheologa, još sedamdesetih godina 20. veka rekao je da će najbitniji odgovori o praistoriji Evrope biti otkriveni upravo odgonetanjem tajni vinčanske kulture. Posle više od jednog veka proučavanja otkrili smo i nastavljamo da otkrivamo fascinantan svet srednjeg i poznog neolita. Kako je došlo do takve transformacije i razvoja zanatstva, trgovine i umetnosti? – Zajednice ranog neolita su uglavnommanjeg obima, a prvi zemljoradnici na Balkanu, pripadnici starčevačke kulture, bili su dosta pokretni. Oko 5.300 godine pre nove ere, negde na centralnom Balkanu, dešavala se ogromna transformacija i pojavila su se naselja ogromne površine, pravi protogradovi od po više stotina kuća, ulica, trgova... Ta promena označava dolazak nove blistave faze u razvitku ljudskih društava, vinčanske kulture! Uz drastičnu promenu načina života dešava se vatromet kreativnosti i inovacija kao posledica umrežavanja ogromnog broja ljudi koji žive na jednom mestu, kao i udaljenih zajednica kroz trgovinu, koja cveta. Vinčanska kultura postaje nešto slično protodruštvenoj mreži, dok lokalitet Vinča Belo brdo, koji se nalazi u blizini ušća nekoliko najznačajnijih koridora i reka u Evroaziji (Dunav, Sava, Tisa i Morava), tada postaje svojevrstan pandan frankfurtskom aerodromu neolitske Evrope. Mesto razmena ideja i robe, ali i vrhunskog zanatstva. Istraživanja su pokazala da se prvo topljenje metala dogodilo baš u Vinči? Da li je time postavljen temelj svih budućih industrijskih revolucija? – Vinčanci su pioniri inovacija, i to jedne od najvećih u ljudskoj istoriji, ovladavanja metalurgijom i pretvaranjemstene umetal. Istraživanja na više lokaliteta, uključujući i Vinču Belo brdo, dala su apsolutne dokaze da se u Vinči pojavila najranija ekstraktivna metalurgija na svetu – prvo topljenje metala. To je prouzrokovalo revolucionarnu bujicu i zauvek izmenilo svet. Vlada Srbije je početkom godine projekat istraživanja, zaštite i prezentacije nalazišta Belo brdo u Vinči proglasila za kapitalni projekat od izuzetnog značaja. Kao rukovodiocu projekta, koja je vaša vizija razvoja lokaliteta? – Podrška Vlade omogućiće ne samo da se reše neki od akutnih problema poput sanacije aktivnog klizišta ispod lokaliteta i problema divlje gradnje već i da Vinča opet postane centar, ovog puta istraživanja i prezentacije neolita i praistorije, što je i moja vizija. Vinča će biti mnogo više od obične kulturne atrakcije. Postaće centar promocije nauke i istraživanja, koji će inspirisati sledeću generaciju inovatora. Nadamo se i tehnološkoj revoluciji poput one koja se na istom mestu desila pre 7.500 godina. Na rubu prestonice Srbije nalazi se jedno od najvažnijih arheoloških nalazišta u Evropi – Vinča Belo brdo, po kojem je i cela poznoneolitska kultura na Balkanu dobila ime. Sjajna vinčanska kultura Vinčanci su zauvek promenili svet DR MI ROS L AV KOČ I Ć, ARHEOLOG

FOFOLLOWING MORE THAN A CENTURY OF FOLLOWING MORE than a century of study, scientists are uncovering the fascinating world of the middle to late Neolithic period. And on the territory of Serbia alone there are more than 600 settlements belonging to this culture, in which trade, innovation and a completely new and previously unseen formof social organisation simply flourished. at’s why the Vinča culture is dubbed the first modern age. What made the people of Vinča so unique? - When Professor Miloje Vasić defined a new culture at the beginning of the 20th century, whichwas characterised by top artistic and craft artefacts, he couldn’t have even dreamt about how significant his discovery would prove to be. Speaking back in the 1970s, Professor Lord Colin Renfrew, one of the most prominent living archaeologists, said that themost important answers about prehistoric Europe would be revealedwith the disentangling of the secrets of the Vinča culture. Following more than a century of study, we have uncovered, and continue to uncover, the fascinating world of themiddle and late Neolithic period. How did such a transformation occur and result in the development of crafts, trade and art? - Early Neolithic communities were mostly smaller, while the first farmers in the Balkans, members of the Starčevo culture, were fairly mobile. Around 5,300 BC., somewhere in the central Balkans, a huge transformation took place and settlements covering huge areas appeared, representing real proto-cities, with hundreds of houses, streets, squares etc. is change marked the arrival of a new shining phase in the development of human societies – the Vinča culture! Along with a drastic change in lifestyle, there was an explosion of creativity and innovation, as a result of the networking of a huge number of people who lived in one place, but also remote communities networked through the flourishing of trade. e Vinča culture became something similar to the proto social network, while the Vinča White Hill site, which is located near the confluences of several of the most important corridors and rivers in Eurasia (the Danube, Sava, Tisa and Morava), then became a kind of parallel to the Frankfurt Airport of Neolithic Europe. It was a place where ideas and goods were exchanged, but also a place of top craftsmanship. Research has shown that the first smelting of metals took place in Vinča? Did this lay the foundations for all future industrial revolutions? - e Vinča people were pioneers of innovation, and that was one of the greatest innovations in human history – the mastering of metallurgy and the turning of rock intometal. Research conducted at numerous sites, including Vinča White Hill, have provided irrefutable evidence that the earliest extractive metallurgy in the world - the first smelting of metals - appeared in Vinča. at triggereda revolutionary surge and changed theworld forever. At the beginning of this year, the Government of Serbia declared the project to research, protect and present the White Hill site in Vinča as a capital project of exceptional importance. As the manager of this project, what is your vision for the development of the site? - Government support will enable us not only to solve some acute problems, such as the rehabilitation of the active landslide area below the site and the problem of illegal construction, but also to restore Vinča’s status as a centre – this time of research and presenting the Neolithic period and prehistory, which is my vision. Vinča will be much more than just an ordinary cultural attraction. It will become a centre for the promotion of science and research that will inspire the next generation of innovators. We are also hopeful of a technological revolution like the one that occurred in the same place some seven and a half thousand years ago. Serbia creates » Srbija stvara | 25 DR MI ROSLAV KOČIĆ, ARCHA OLOGI ST Vinča’s people changed the world forever Located on the outskirts of the Serbian capital is one of the most important archeological sites in Europe – theWhite Hill of Vinča, after which the entire late Neolithic culture of the Balkans was named. The wonderful Vinča culture.

26 | Intervju » Interview Interview Intervju Mocart kao lek za sve bolesti Panker među klasičarima, virtuoz svetskog glasa koji ne propušta da naglasi da mu je porodica centar univerzuma, a Srbija najdraže mesto na svetu, sviraće nam krajem septembra, i to u Kolarcu. Naravno, ako nam korona svima opet ne pokvari planove NEMAN JA R ADU LOV I Ć, V I OL I N I STA Nemanja Radulović, rođeni Nišlija, nosi južnjački muzički dar i temperament kad zasvira na violini. Priča sa violinama kao sa dragim ljudima, ali uči da svira gitaru. Ako budemo imali sreće, slušaćemo ga krajem septembra u jednoj od njegovih omiljenih dvorana – beogradskom Kolarcu… Šta je izmenjeno u planeru koncerata zbog pandemije u 2020? –Došlo je do otkazivanjamnogih koncerata zbog koronavirusa. Određene smo uspeli da prebacimo za sledeću sezonu, koja je već puna. Radujem se što smo u saradnji sa Kolarčevom zadužbinom uspeli da nađemo nove datume krajem septembra za koncerte zakazane za mart 2020, mada konačan datum još nije određen. Verovatno vam je teško da živite bez nastupa… Da li biste uopšte mogli da zamislite život bez muzike? – Bez muzike ne bih mogao da živim. Ona deluje kao moj lek. I moj kiseonik. Mnogi umetnici čeznu za nekim davnim, boljim vremenima, ali vi, čini se, volite baš vreme u kojem živite? – Da, volim što živim u 21. veku. Često nismo svesni svih pozitivnih stvari koje se dešavaju danas Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Deutche Grammophon/Charlotte Abramow jer nas nostalgija vuče da kažemo da je nešto bilo bolje ranije. Kao i u svakoj epohi u istoriji. Mada, muzika iz perioda klasicizma mi najviše prija. Ipak, ova nam je godina svima donela neke novu stvarnost, teškoće, ali i introspektivne spoznaje. Kako vi preživljavate 2020? –Ova godina je kao škola. Podsetilame je na to šta je najbitnije u životu. Prija mi što sam sa ljudima koje najviše volim. Nedostaju mi prijatelji koji žive u drugim zemljama i, naravno, da budem sa publikom uz muziku. Došlo je do promena i umom životu, ali nisu drastične. Videćemo kako će se razvijati ova situacija. Muzika vam je pomogla da prebrodite mnoge teške trenutke u životu, a violina vam je uvek bila utočište. Kojom se muzikom branite ovih meseci? – Najviše mi prija Mocartova muzika, koja je puna života. Pomaže i to što sa porodicom sviram razne aranžmane tradicionalne muzike iz celog sveta. Naravno, violina je uvek tu kao lter i svaka je imala svoju priču, kao kad delite život sa ljudima koji vas vole i uče. Sviram i violu, violončelo i malo klavir. U 2020. sam iskoristio vreme da učimda sviramgitaru. Šta vam je važno pred nastupe? Imate li neke male rituale? – Od kada se probudim na dan koncerta, volim da pratim sličan ritam: proba, ručak, spavanje, spremanje, usviravanje i koncert. Prijami da budemu toku tog dana sa ljudima koji su sa mnom na sceni jer tako uđemo na scenu sa istom energijom. Najvažnije mi je da se probudim ujutru srećan i zahvalan. Osim na Kolarcu, gde najviše volite da svirate? Imate li omiljene pozornice? – Zapravo da, mnogo volim Concertgebouw u Amsterdamu i eatre des Champs-Elysees u Parizu. Kolarac u Beogradu se podrazumeva. Folklor je bio inspiracija mnogim kompozitorima i sami kažete da volite sevdalinke i makedonske glasove. Šta zapravo slušate u automobilu ili kod kuće? – Slušam apsolutno sve vrste muzike. Nešto mi više prija, nešto manje. U svakoj muzici možemo da nađemo inspiraciju. Sve zavisi od raspoloženja.

Interview » Intervju | 27 Dugokos i ekstravagantan, jedinstven na svetskoj sceni, Nemanja Radulović rasprodaje sve koncerte unapred, vraćaju ga do iznemoglosti na bis, a planeti, gde god da je, poklanja delić svog nasleđa Long-haired and extravagant, unique on the world stage, Nemanja Radulović’s concerts are all sold out in advance, he’s brought back for encores to exhaustion, and wherever he is he gives the planet a little part of his heritage

28 | Intervju » Interview Bez muzike ne bihmogao da živim. Ona deluje kaomoj lek. I moj kiseonik / I couldn’t live without music. It works like my medicine. And my oxygen

INTERVJU INTERVI EW Interview » Intervju | 29 Dešava se da sanjamneke stvari koje se kasnije i dese. Kažu da tako rešavamomnoge stvari koje ne stignemo da rešimo u životu / It happens that I dreamabout some things that later occur. It is said that we resolvemany things through dreams that we don’t resolve in life NEMAN J A R ADU LOV I Ć, V I OL I N I ST Mozart as a cure for all ills A punk among classicists, a virtuoso of world renown who doesn’t fail to admit that his family is the centre of the universe and that Serbia is his favourite place in the world, will perform for us in Kolarac Hall at the end of September. Of course, if the Coronavirus doesn’t ruin all our plans again NemanjaRadulovićwasborn inNiš andcarries that southernmusical gift andtemperament when he plays the violin. He talks withviolinsas thoughhe’s conversingwith loved ones, but he’s also learning to play the guitar. If we are fortunate, we’ll hear him at the end of September in one of his favourite halls - Belgrade’s Kolarac Endowment… What has changed in the concert schedule due to the 2020 pandemic? “Many concerts were canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.Wemanaged to transfer a certainnumber to next season, which is already full. I’m overjoyed that we managed, in cooperation with Kolarac Endowment Hall, to find new dates at the end of September for the concerts originally scheduled forMarch 2020, although the final date has yet to be determined.” You probably find it hard to live without performances… Could you even imagine life without music? “I couldn’t livewithoutmusic. It works likemymedicine. And my oxygen.” Many artists are yearning for some long gone better times, but it seems that you like the specific time in which you live? “Yes, I love that I live in the 21st century. We often aren’t aware of all the positive things that are happening today, because nostalgia compels us to say that something was better before, as it has in every era throughout history. However, I like music from the period of classicism the most.” Nevertheless, this year has brought us all some new reality, difficulties, but also insights out of introspection. How are you surviving 2020 for now? ” is year is like a lesson. It reminded me of what’s most important in life. It feels good that I’m with the people I love the most. I miss friends who live in other countries and, of course, to be before the audience with music. Changes have also come in my life, but they are not drastic. We’ll see how this situation will develop in a few months. ” Music has helped you to cope with many difficult moments in life, and the violin has always been a refuge for you. What music have you been defending yourself with these months? ”I like Mozart’s music the most, which is full of life. It also helps that, together withmy family, I play various traditional music arrangements fromall over the world. Of course, the violin is always there as a filter and each one has had its own story, like when you share life with people who love and teach you. I also play the viola, cello and a little piano. I’ve used the time in 2020 to learn to play the guitar.” What is important to you prior to performances; do you have any little rituals? ”From the moment I wake up on the day of a concert, I like to follow a similar rhythm: rehearsal, lunch, sleep, preparation, practicing and the concert. During that day it feels good for me to be in touchwith the people who are on stage with me, because in that way we appear on the stage with the same energy. What’s most important for me is to wake up in the morning feeling happy and grateful.” Apart from Kolarac, do you have a favourite stage? ”Actually, yes, I really like theConcertgebouw inAmsterdam and the eatre des Champs-Elysees in Paris. Kolarac in Belgrade is a given.” Folklore has inspired many composers, and you yourself say that you like Sevdalinka and Macedonian voices. What do you actually listen to in your car or at home? ”I listen to absolutely all sorts ofmusic. Some things makeme feel better thanothers.We canfind inspiration in all music. Everything depends on the mood.”