ELEVATE - Septembar

34 | Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun A rheologija uvek pokušava da vam približi tre- nutke i ljude iz prošlosti. Stari Rimljani su ima- li gotovo iste probleme kao mi sada. Mislim da bi se, da sada dođu ovamo, iznenadili jedino da vi- de avion. Sve ostalo im je poznato. Ovim rečima je prof. dr Miomir Korać najavio izložbu Rimski Limes i gradovi na tlu Srbije , otvorenu u Galeriji SANU, ko- ju je akademik Dušan Otašević, upravnik Galeri- je, prokomentarisao rečima: „Lepo je da se podse- timo da smo mi na ovoj teritoriji naslednici ozbiljnih kultura.“ – Ne zaboravimo da je stari Rim imao milion sta- novnika. Prvi grad koji je to potom dostigao bio je London u 19. veku – pojasnio je Korać. Stefan Pop Lazić iz Arheološkog instituta, „prva vio- lina“ autorskog tima izložbe, kako ga je Korać pred- stavio, rekao je da je u Galeriji SANU izložen ma- terijal iz perioda od 1. do 5. veka iz raznih srpskih muzeja „u kojima i jeste i nije bio izlagan“. – Izložba je koncipirana tako da se obraća svakod- nevnom posetiocu. Mi se bavimo naukom, ali cilj nam je da se što više obratimo ljudima koji nisu do- voljno upoznati sa postojanjem Rimskog carstva i rimske kulture na ovim prostorima. To je naša ulo- ga i naš zadatak – objasnio je Pop Lazić i istakao da spomeničko antičko nasleđe kod nas (uglavnom) propada. Među eksponatima se nalazi sve ono što je, po svom gabaritu, moglo brzo i lako da se donese u Galeriju SANU, od rimskog građevinskog materija- la, preko oružja i oruđa, do odeće rimskih matro- na i devojčica. – Izložene su opeke sa pečatima rimskih legija. Ista- kao bih nedavno otkriven mač iz Viminacijuma, je- dinstven nalaz, jer je reč o celom maču sa ručicom i delovima kanija, zatim su tu šlemovi iz Berkasova (kasnoantički nalaz svetskog ranga), ikona Jupitera Dolihena iz antičke Egete (današnja Brza Palanka)... Podjednako su interesantni delovi odeće rimskih matrona i devojčica iz grobova Viminacijuma, koji se takođe ekskluzivno izlažu prvi put – istakao je Pop Lazić. Izložba je otvorena do 10. septembra. RIMSKI TRAGOVI USRBIJI ROMANTRACESONTHE TERRITORYOF SERBIA A rchaeology always strives to bring us closers tomo- ments and people of the past.The ancient Romans had almost the same problems as we do today. I think that if they came here now theywould only be surprised to see an aeroplane.They already knoweverything else. It is with thesewords thatMiomir Korać, Ph.D., announced the exhi- bition“Roman Limes and Cities on the territory of Serbia”, which is open at theGallery of the SerbianAcademy of Sciences and the Arts. Commenting on the exhibition, this gallery’smanager, academic DušanOtašević, said:“It is ni- ce to remind ourselves that we are the heirs of serious cul- tures on this territory.” - Let’s not forget that ancient Rome had amillion inhabi- tants.The firstmodern city to achieve that was London in the 19 th century – explained Korać. Stefan Pop Lazić fromthe Archaeological Institute, the “first violin”of the exhibition’s teamof authors – as hewas presented by Korać – said that thematerials exhibited in the SANUGallery date fromthe period of the 1 st to the 5 th enturies ADand come fromvarious Serbianmuseums“in which theywere andweren’t exhibited”. -The exhibition is conceived in such away as to address the everyday visitor.We deal with science, but our goal is to address, to the greatest possible extent, peoplewho are not sufficiently familiar with the existence of the Roman Empire and Roman culture in this region.That is our ro- le and our task – explained Pop Lazić, stressing thatmonu- mental antique heritage in our country is (mostly) collap- sing. Among the exhibits are everything that could, in terms of dimensions, be brought quickly and easily to the SANU Gallery – fromRoman constructionmaterials, viaweapons and tools, to the clothes of Romanmatrons and girls. - Exhibited are bricks bearing the seals of Roman legions. I would highlight a recently discovered sword fromVimi- nacium, which is a unique find because it’s awhole sword, completewith the entire handle and part of the sheath, then there are helmets fromBerkovasa (aworld-renow- ned late-antique site), the icon of Jupiter Dolichenus from ancient Egeta (today’s Brza Palanka)... Equally interesting are parts of the clothing of Romanmatrons and girls taken fromthe graves ofViminacium, which are also being exclu- sively exhibited for the first time – noted Pop Lazić. The exhibition runs until 10 th September.