
New York » Njujork | 21 Ako želite da gledate paradu, najbolje mesto za to su Zapadna četvrta ulica i Šesta avenija If you want to watch the parade, the best place to do so is West 4th Street and 6th Avenue Prodavnice u Njujorku su otvorene tokom Noći veštica jer to nije državni praznik. Takođe, nećete imati problema sa saobraćajem ili neredovnim voznim redom podzemne železnice The shops of New York are open for business as usual during Halloween, as it is not a public holiday. You also won’t experience problems with traffic or irregular subway schedules Halloween in New York is big! People go all out for this spooky holiday every year. New Yorkers decorate their homes and put on their most outlandish costumes, while the kids go trick or treating, door to door through their neighbourhood or apartment building, collecting sweets and treats. It falls annually on 31st October, but New York’s houses and shops are decorated weeks in advance with Halloween memorabilia, like bats, witches, skeletons and, of course, ghosts and pumpkins that have been carved to form ghoulish shapes. If you’re in the mood for a spooky experience, you can take Madame Morbid’s Trolley Tour. This one and a half hour tour in a decorated Victorian style trolley will give you goosebumps as you explore the darkest parts of Brooklyn! The tour is available from Wednesday to Sunday. Another tour that leads you through New York’s most haunted locations is the Ghost Tour of Greenwich Village. Discover some of the spookiest spots in the city, like the house of Edgar Allan Poe and the Hanging Tree in Washington Square Park. Another great way to spend Halloween in New York is to attend a Halloween party at one of the city’s fancy nightclubs or rooftop bars. Join locals dressed in their best costumes and party all night long! The (Greenwich) Village Halloween Parade is also held in New York in the evening, from 7pm. Anyone (in costume) can participate in this parade, including tourists. Up to 50,000 people participate in the parade every year. It includes live music, creepy decorations and people dressed in their wildest Halloween costumes. If you want to ensure that you get to walk in the parade, come dressed in your best costume and be prepared to stand and wait. You should arrive early if you want to walk at the front of the parade. It’s time for Halloween! iStock / sx70 iStock / gerenme