Elevate - Mart

34 | Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor svim novu dimenziju i značenje. Po- nosna sam na to. Svaka žena koja se odvaži da nosi ovakav pojas govori o svojoj posebnosti i samouverenosti, a mogudaprimetimda je sve višemla- dih žena koje su spremne da ponesu neki ovako specifičan komad. To me izuzetno raduje i govori da se brend kreće u pravom smeru i rešava svoj domaći zadatak. I sam način izrade ovih modela jedosta specifičan. Ornamenti sepo- sebnim procesom tkanja prenose na žakard-trake širine šest centimetara izrađene na taftu ili damastu ili vi- sokokvalitetnom štampomna saten, a zatim se povezuju s tkaninama od kojih nastaju moderni odevni koma- di u elegantnom ili ležernomstilu. ble, beautiful women who proudly high- light their waistline and live on the basis of healthy principles of life and morality in moderntimesaremymuses.Eventhesim- pleststylesofsuitsordresses,whenenriched withthiskindofwaistbandbelt,gainacom- pletelynewdimensionandsignificance.I’m proud of that. Every woman who dares to wearthiswaistbandtestifiestoherownspe- cialqualitiesandself-assuredness,andIno- tice that there are ever more young wom- en who are prepared to wear this kind of specific garment. That brings me great joy anddemonstratesthatthebrandismoving in the right direction andworking through its homework. The way these models are made is al- soprettyspecific.Theornamentsaretrans- ferred via a special weaving process to a six-centimetre-widestripofjacquardribbon made of taffeta or damask, or high-quali- ty print on satin, and then connected with fabrics to create modern pieces in an ele- gant or casual style. All those noble, beautiful women who proudly highlight their waistline and live on the basis of healthy principles of life and morality in modern times are my muses Sve te otmene, prelepe žene koje s ponosom ističu svoj struk i žive na zdravim životnim i moralnim principima u sadašnjem vremenu moje su muze I najjednostavniji modeli obogaćeni ovakvim pojasom dobijaju sasvim novo značenje Gain a completely new significance when enriched with this kind of waistband belt