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šta vam je na umu

/ what’s on your mind


itka za titulu najbržeg moto-sportiste na

svetu nastavljena je u julu u Budimpešti. Akrobatski

avioni vazduhoplovne Formule 1 dostizali su brzine

i do 370 kilometara na sat dok su leteli slalom iznad

malog, nepuna dva kilometra dugog prostora između

dva mosta na Dunavu. Desetine hiljada gledalaca

okupilo se na centralnim obalama reke, da uživaju u

retkom spektaklu.

Potrebno je mnogo smelosti gradskih vlasti da do-

zvoli održavanje tako brze trke u najužem gradskom

jezgru, čak i kad se letački program odvija iznad reke,

a bezbednost je po najvišim standardima. Mađarska

prestonica je jedino mesto na svetu gde je, za potrebe

trke, bilo dozvoljeno da avioni proleću ispod mosta.

Zapravo je to bila njihova obaveza, jer se na stazu

ulazilo proletanjem ispod Lančanog mosta, jednog od

najpoznatijih turističkih motiva Budimpešte.

Proletanje ispod mosta organizatori su procenili

kao bezbedan manevar jer je je visina od površine

vode do svoda iznosila 12,5 metara. Ipak, za 14 pilota

koji se takmiče u borbi za titulu svetskog šampiona

trka u Budimpešti spada među najteže jer je potrebno

mnogo oštrih promena pravca kretanja i visine na

skučenoj stazi. Njihova tela izložena su snažnim i

mnogobrojnim uticajima različitih sila. Kada avion za

trećinu sekunde napravi obrt oko ose, ili opterećenje

u okretu dostigne 10g, potrebna je velika veština da se

održi prisebnost.

Takmičarski letovi na stazi u Budimpešti trajali su

oko 60 sekundi, sa prolaskom kroz šest kapija. Pobed-

nika odlučuju desetinke sekunde, ponekad svega ne-

koliko stotinki. Na to može da utiče ne samo veština

pilota, već i bolje predviđanje spoljašnje temperature,

brzine vetra i vazdušnog pritiska u trenutku leta. Zato

svi timovi imaju sofisticiranu opremu za predviđanje i

analizu staze i uslova trke.

Sledeća trka održaće se ovog meseca u Askotu, u

Velikoj Britaniji, iznad jednog od najčuvenijih hipodro-

ma na svetu.


The battle for the title of

the fastest motorsport racer in

the world continued in Budapest

in July. The aerobatic aeroplanes

of the aviation Formula 1 reached

speeds up to 370 kilometres per

hour as they flew the small slalom

course covering a length of less

than two kilometres between two

bridges over the Danube. Tens of

thousands of spectators gathered

on the central banks of the river to

enjoy this rare spectacle.

A lot of courage was needed for

the local authorities to permit the

staging of such a fast race in the

very heart of the city centre, even

though the flight path was restrict-

ed to the river area and the highest

safety standards were maintained.

The Hungarian capital is the only

place in the world where, for the

purposes of the race, planes were

permitted to fill under bridges.

Indeed, they were actually obliged

to do so, because the course could

only be accessed by flying under

the Chain Bridge, one of Budapest’s

most popular tourist landmarks.

The organizers estimated that

flying under the bridge was as a

safe manoeuvre, due to the gap of

12.5 metres between the surface

of the water and the height of the

vault. However, for the 14 pilots

competing in the battle to become

world champion, the Budapest race

is among the most difficult, due

to the need to make many sharp

turns and because of the height of

the restricted course. Their bodies

are exposed to strong and numer-

ous influences of different forces.

When the plane makes a revolu-

tion around its axis in just a third

of a second, or the load burden

in turning reaches 10g, great skill

is required in order to maintain


Competition flights on the

Budapest course lasted about 60

seconds, with pilots required to

traverse six gates. The winner is

determined on the basis of tenths

of a second, sometimes only a few

hundredths. This can be influ-

enced not only by the skills of the

pilots, but also better predicting of

the external air temperature, wind

speed and air pressure at the time

of flight. That’s why all the teams

have sophisticated equipment to

predict and analyse the course and

race conditions.

The next race will be held this

month in Ascot, UK, above one of

the world’s most famous race-


Piloti su u manevrima na stazi dva puta

u toku leta izloženi dejstvu sile od 10g

(desetostruka sila gravitacije)



manoeuvres over the course, pilots are twice

exposed to forces of 10g (ten times the force

of gravity)